Page 56 of The Sotíras

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Me: Tell him to leave or I’m crashing your little date.

Her gaze flickers toward her phone, and I can sense her hesitation to check her messages, perhaps not wanting to seem suspicious in front of Andrew.

When she finally unlocks her screen, her brows knit together, and discomfort crosses her features. I can almost feel the tension radiating from her as she quickly puts down her phone, pretending like nothing happened.

There’s a subtle shift in her demeanor as she continues her conversation. She’s a bit more guarded now, a bit less at ease.

I text her again.

Me: I’m giving you 30 seconds, Aria.

I’ve been trying to keep calm. But right now, anger bubbles up inside me, threatening to overflow.

Aria reads my message, her eyes widening. Without hesitation, she springs up from the table, a sense of determination in her movements. She exchanges a few quick words with Andrew, their expressions serious, before they both head toward the door.

As Aria rushes out, her phone clutched tightly in her hand, I seize the opportunity to send another message.

Me: Go your separate ways and meet me in the back alley.

I can’t help the pang of jealousy as I observe Andrew bending down to give Aria a tender kiss on the cheek. She smiles at him. Then, he leaves, crossing the street and disappearing into the distance as Aria continues down the sidewalk.

After a few moments, I decide it’s time to follow suit. I leave the café, my anticipation growing as I make my way to the back alley. I lean against the brick wall, my eyes scanning the area, eagerly awaiting Aria’s arrival.

The sound of footsteps echoing against the pavement signals her approach. My heart quickens when I catch sight of her.

She finally reaches the spot where I stand, a mixture of confusion and anger in her eyes.

“I got your message, loud and clear,” she spits. “What the fuck is wrong with you? How did you even know I was here?”

“I’ve told you once before, I know everything.”

“Are you stalking me?”

“No. I’m just keeping an eye on you.”

Aria’s expression shifts to one of shock, her mouth opening. “That’s the same fucking thing, Dion. How dare you?”

“Someone might be following you. Given the threats I received, I’m trying to be vigilant.”

She scoffs. “So, you thought showing up to the coffee shop where I was with my fiancé was being vigilant?”

“I’m trying to protect you. And what the fuck is this?” I seethe, grabbing her left hand and gesturing at her engagement ring.

Aria jerks her hand back and crosses her arms. “Andrew has been nothing but nice to me.”

“So, being nice is enough for you?”

She grits her teeth in frustration. “That’s not the fucking point!”

“Then, what is it? Just a week ago, I was buried inside this.” I reach over and palm her pussy. She tries to push me away. “And now you’re playing the doting fiancé? Come on, Aria.”

We might be out in broad daylight, but this back alley is hidden and secluded.

My chest heaves as I stare into her eyes. I want to kiss her so fucking badly.

Aria laughs. “Are you fucking jealous?” she asks, in a mocking tone.

“Well, it sure looked like you were cozy and comfortable in there,” I spit, closing the distance between us, and I push her against the brick wall. I reach for the handle of my handgun and pull it out of my belt. Aria gasps, her gaze meeting mine.

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