Page 48 of The Sotíras

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“Don’t say his fucking name,” I bark. Hearing that fucker’s name so soon after coming is ruining my fucking mood.

She scoffs. “Fine. My fiancé,” she drawls, and that makes me even angrier.

“That’s fucking worse.”

Aria lets out a growl of frustration. “What do you want from me, Dion? You can’t have it both ways. You want me for yourself, but you know that’s not possible right now. Unless I miraculously find a way out of this predicament, I’m pretty much already engaged, so you’ll have to accept?—.”

“I’ll never accept you being someone else’s, Aria,” I seethe, cutting her off.

She exhales, her voice softening. “Trust me. I don’t want this either, but what am I supposed to do?”

“I’ll take care of it.”

She sneers. “Is that your response for everything?”

“Trust me. I will take care of it,” I argue, and hang up.

My hand trembles as I swipe it through my hair, my heart pounding against my chest relentlessly.

Aria is right. We technically shouldn’t keep doing this.

I want her, but at what cost? How far am I willing to go? Anything I do might risk compromising what Evan and I have been working toward.

Regardless, a rush of determination fills my chest.

I’m ready to do anything to make her mine.



Aria: And I thought about it…this can’t keep happening, especially after today.

Ithrow myself back on the chair in front of my computer, fists almost digging holes on the edge of my desk. Dion and Aria were just sexting. Disgust churns in my stomach.

I thought sending Dion threats would be enough to scare him off, keep him away from her. It worked for a little while.

After discovering them together for the first time, I sent Dion a threatening note, but it didn’t seem to have the desired effect. As I kept a close eye on Aria, I realized that Dion was also lurking in the shadows, keeping tabs on her. It infuriated me that he had blatantly ignored my warning.

Determined to protect what was mine, I penned another even more menacing note, warning him to stay away. This time, I made it crystal clear that there would be dire consequences if he didn’t back off.

And he did—for almost two months.

But now, they’re back together. My threats were fucking useless.

Their connection seems to go deeper than I imagined.

Around midnight I got a call from one of Aria’s guards, informing me that she’d left the house.

The footage he sent me doesn’t cover the entire back property, so he wasn’t able to confirm where she went. I tapped into her phone to check her location, but it pinged at her house. Weird. I had to give up, hoping she’d only gone for a walk in her massive garden.

But when I logged into her phone this morning, I saw the text messages appearing on my screen in real time. They met last night, and he fucked her.

This is a fucking slap in the face.

The night before we’re supposed to meet for the first time, she fucks her lover boy, then sexts him mere hours before seeing me. She’s supposed to be a virgin and now, she’s sullied. Whore.

Aria will need to be told who she belongs to.

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