Page 45 of The Sotíras

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After Ignatius was killed, Evander found a file on his computer titled ‘The Sisterhood.’ After digging into it, he found a dark web forum with multiple users asking how to get access. From what Evan could gather at the time, it seems like some sort of secret society that only allows access by referral.

He’d found pages and pages of girl names and their information. Something shady was going on there.

We discovered that it was an organization that kidnapped girls from Greece and reformed them into child brides and sexual slaves for the rich, led by nuns. Fucking disgusting.

Evander thinks that Angelica’s father has something to do with this establishment, so naturally, Philip must be involved too. I can’t wait for these pieces of shit to get what’s coming for them.

I sigh into the phone. “See what Marco can find and let me know. Get some sleep.’

“I’m wide awake now, asshole. I’ll call you later.”

We hang up, and I push myself off the couch with another yawn, stretching out the kinks in my back as I make my way toward the kitchen. It’s time to brew some strong coffee and face the day.

Several minutes later, I hear the front door open.

“Kaliméra, Heleni,” I shout.

Helen pops into view with a large smile. “Kaliméra, agóri mou. You look…well,” she says, after a moment of hesitation, and I snicker.

Helen has been like a mother to me. The only woman, other than my mama, that I’ve ever gotten close to. She’s always been there for me, offering advice and support when I needed it the most. I can’t imagine my life without her in it. Especially without her playfulness. Though, I’ve been careful not to let myself get too attached. I refuse to get hurt again.

“Thank you. I got a whopping three hours of sleep on my very comfortable couch.” I grin.

She rolls her eyes. “You’re more chipper than usual today.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, taking a sip of my black coffee.

“You’ve been a sad mess for two months. Ever since that girl came over and left, I’ve watched you mope around every day.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say, feigning ignorance.

“Did you see her last night?”

I stifle a smirk. “Maybe.”

“That’s what I thought.”


Leaving Helen in the kitchen, I head upstairs to take a shower. I usually start my days with a workout, but I’m too tired.

My phone vibrates in my pocket.

Little liar: Hi.

Instantly, a smile tugs at the corners of my lips. Little liar. That’s how Aria saved her number in my contacts.

My phone buzzes a second time before I get the chance to respond.

Little liar: Did you steal my underwear again?

I almost spit out my coffee.

Reaching into the back pocket of my jeans, I pull out Aria’s ripped, blue thong. I forgot that I’d snatched it off her last night.

I bring the flimsy piece of fabric to my nose and inhale. Fuck. Her scent drives me wild. My cock strains in my jeans as I’m assaulted with the memory of her pussy around it.

Me: Sniffing it as we speak.

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