Page 44 of The Sotíras

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The next morning, I wake up sprawled out on my couch.

I blink, groaning as I become aware of my surroundings, and rubbing my eyes to clear the sleep from them. Memories of last night start to trickle back into my mind. I let out a sigh, running a hand through my disheveled hair.

Yesterday didn’t go exactly as planned, but I have no regrets when I think back to Aria pressed up against the tree while I watched my hard cock slide in and out of her.

I called with the purpose of asking her about the note, but when I got to the edge of the forest, the impulse to stake my claim on her again was uncontrollable. I was consumed by a burning need to mark my territory.

And I’m so fucking glad I did.

When Aria first saw me, I could practically smell the fear on her. When she understood the game I was playing, it was exhilarating to watch her embrace it and join in.

She was my prey, and I was the predator.

She’s mine. There’s no way in hell I’m letting her marry her fiancé.

I need to call Xander and have him find out who Andrew Galanis is.

I fish out my phone from my pocket, my body protesting the movement. I was so exhausted when I got home, I didn’t even make it to the bedroom. But now, as my muscles scream at me for sleeping on the couch in a less-than-ergonomic position all night, I regret my laziness.

Xander picks up on the third ring, his voice groggy.

“Are you fucking serious, man? It’s five a.m.,” he yawns.

“I got a name.”

I hear an exasperated sigh and some shuffling in the background, then the sound of clacking on a keyboard.

“What is it?” he grunts.

“Andrew Galanis.”

Xander types on the computer, and I wait. “I got nothing. I’ll have to dive.”

“Nothing at all?”

“Nope. He’s definitely not from a high-ranking family. At least not in the last fifteen years.”

“Then why the fuck would Philip want his daughter to marry him of all people?”

“That’s a good question. We’ll have to find out what Andrew has to offer,” Xander replies.

“And we could use that as leverage against him to get Aria out of the marriage.”

Xander chuckles.

“What’s so funny, maláka?” I grit out.

“You’re down bad for that chick.”

He’s not wrong, but he can fuck off with the jokes. “Fuck you,” I say, pursing my lips.

“Chill, man. It’s cute.”

“Cute? Am I fucking five years old?”

Xander’s laughter booms through the speaker. “Calm down, vlakas. It’s not a bad thing. Anyway, this could be useful to find out more information about Philip’s doings. I’ve been looking into his involvement with Peter Kouvalakis and the Sisterhood.”

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