Page 29 of The Sotíras

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I fold my hands over my thighs. “Just take me home.” If he wants to judge me for being too careful with my parents, I’ll show him I’m not afraid to face them.

Satisfied with my response, Dion resumes driving.

We spend the rest of the journey in silence until we reach my area in Old Cebrene. As soon as we pass the gates to my family’s estate, Dion breaks the quiet.

“We have to talk about last night.”

I exhale and nod, and suddenly our little spat seems so silly. I feel a mix of emotions about giving Dion my virginity. On one hand, I’m satisfied to have chosen him as my first. However, it’s also a bit terrifying to open yourself up in a new way, to be vulnerable, especially to someone you don’t know.

“To preface, I had a good time,” Dion says, and I can hear the tentative smile in his voice.

The corners of my mouth lift, but I don’t look at him. “Me too.”

“I still think you should’ve told me before I stuck my dick inside you,” he teases.

I chuckle and any tension between us from before dissipates. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I was so focused on deciding for myself that I almost forgot there was another person involved.”

“How do you feel about it now?”

I turn to look at him. His expression is uncertain, even concerned.

“I wanted it to be special and it was,” I reassure him. “But now, I’m feeling a little overwhelmed. I gave you something I can never give to anyone else again.”

“I understand. It’s a big deal. I’m honored that you chose me.” His soft words send warmth through my chest.

I give him a small smile. “I’m glad I made that decision.”

Truly, I am. Even though I might feel a tad guilty for having to lie to my future husband about my virginity, I’m happy I spent last night with Dion.

“But it can’t happen again.” I reluctantly pull the door handle, feeling a twinge of hesitation as I prepare to get out of the car. “And Dion?”

“Yes.” He holds my gaze, and a shiver runs up my spine.

“I don’t regret it. Not for a second.”

His lips curve into a bittersweet smile. “Friends?”

I nod. “Just friends.”

I get out and walk to my front door, trying my hardest not to steal a look at him over my shoulder.

My hand hovers over the doorknob, and I take a deep breath, trying to rid myself of the uneasiness that has settled in my chest. I hear the G-wagon back out of the driveway, so I tempt a final glance back at the car, now a fading silhouette.

Just like last night, the lingering sense of being watched returns. I look around the grounds, past the gate.

There’s no one there.

I shake my head before turning the doorknob and going inside.

When I step into the foyer, I’m met by my mother’s piercing gaze. Her arms are crossed, and she taps her foot impatiently.

“Aria. Where were you? I was worried sick!” she almost shrieks.

I put my purse down on the marble floor and slip off my heels. “Mama, I was out. I told you.”

“It’s eight in the morning of the next day, Aria. You’re lucky your father’s been too busy to notice.” I wince, ignoring my disappointment. My baba’s been a lot less present lately.

My mother catches my reaction and sighs. “I know it’s been different around here, and we all miss your father, but that doesn’t change the fact that I don’t believe for a second you were out with your friends until now.”

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