Page 27 of The Sotíras

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“Is that for me?”

She turns around and smiles. There’s something about her presence that feels reassuring. “Yes, here. Have some while you wait for Dion.”

I thank her and take a sip, letting the caffeine flow through me like a small surge of energy.

We stay in a comfortable silence for a bit while Helen works, but something urges me to make the most of this opportunity.

“Have you worked for Dion long?”

“It’s been a while,” Helen nods, glancing over at me. “I met him and Evander many years ago when they were teenage boys. Their uncle employed me. Now, I work for them.”

“Are they cousins?”

She shakes her head and lets out a little chuckle. “More like brothers.”

“I didn’t realize that Dion and Evander were related,” I mumble with a frown.

“Family isn’t always about blood. It’s about who’s willing to be there when you need it the most. True family is not always defined by biological ties.”

She makes a good point. I consider Angelica and Gianis my siblings, even though we have no blood relation.

“Oh,” I say simply, not wanting to pry further.

Helen puts down the dish she was washing and wipes her hand with the towel slung over her shoulder, probably sensing my curiosity. “It’s not my story to tell, but Evander and Dion had very traumatic childhoods. They both lost their parents at a very young age and were taken in by Evander’s uncle. They grew up together.”

My heart squeezes as I’m reminded of the conversation Dion and I had last night.

I ponder her words, lost in thought.

“He’s grown into such a good man. Evander, too. I know the business they carry might not be ethical, and what they went through affected how they show their feelings and their relationships with others,” Helen continues, sorrow flashing across her face, “but they are unwavering in their loyalty to each other.”

Curiosity gets the best of me.

“Why is Dion single?” I cringe, regretting it instantly. It doesn’t matter why he’s single, Aria. It’s not like anything can happen between us, anyway.

“I wonder the same thing all the time. He never brings women home, either.” Helen looks at me intently.

My heart jolts. “Never?”

She smirks. “Never.”

Although none of this should matter, knowing that I’m the only woman he’s brought home makes me feel special.

Right as I’m about to ask her another question, Dion pops into view. “Ready?”

I nod quickly and stand up. “Thanks, Helen. It was great meeting you.”

“Likewise, dear. Hopefully, I’ll see you again soon,” she replies with a wink.

I smile back, but a twinge of sadness washes over me.

When I step outside, the sun is bright and warm on my face, almost blinding me. I look around but there’s no sign of Dion. He’s not in the car we used yesterday.

I walk around the side of the house and stumble upon a four-car garage. I hadn’t seen this last night.

“Dion?” I call out.

I enter the garage and I’m shocked by how big the space is. A fleet of cars and four motorcycles line the back wall.

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