Page 156 of The Sotíras

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“She’s beautiful,” I murmur.

“Do you want to hold her?”

I freeze for a second, then nod. Carefully, I take Thea into my arms, cradling her against my chest. She’s warm and light, a reminder that, amidst all the darkness we deal with, there’s still innocence and hope in the world.

As I look down at her, I make a silent vow. No matter what comes our way, I’ll protect her. I’ll make sure she always knows she’s loved and cherished, that she’s more than just a part of our family legacy. She’s the future, and I’ll do everything in my power to ensure it’s a bright one.

Evan places a hand on my shoulder, his grip firm. “We’re going to make sure she’s safe.”

I meet his gaze. In this moment, we’re not just mob men. We’re brothers, a father and uncle, and protectors. And Thea Vasilakis is a new beginning for all of us.

Aria comes to stand next to me, tears in her eyes. Her gaze is fixed on the baby, and when she looks up at me, her expression is a mixture of love and pride. She wipes a tear from her cheek and smiles.

“She’s perfect,” Aria whispers, her voice trembling.

“Can men say their ovaries are tingling? Because this sure feels like it. I think I’ve caught baby fever.” I try to keep a straight face.

Aria snorts, and Evan shakes his head with a laugh.

“You’re so stupid, Dion,” Angelica says.

I’m sure Aria can see the mischievous glint in my eye as I gently rock Thea in my arms.

“I’m thinking I should start breeding you so we can make a little family of our own.”

Aria’s eyes widen before bursting into a fit of laughter. “You’re impossible.”

“Whatever,” I retort with a wry smirk. “I guess now I’ve officially become the best uncle, and I’ll spoil her rotten.”

Everyone chuckles, but I press on, my grin widening.

“And don’t worry, I promise not to teach her how to handle a gun until she’s at least—what—five? Maybe six?”

Aria swats her hand at me. “Dion!”

“Just kidding,” I add, giving Thea’s cheek a gentle nudge with my finger. “She’s already got the best defense system—me.”

Aria laughs again. “You know, if she ends up with even half of your charm, she’ll be unstoppable.”

I wink at her. “I’m counting on it.”



A year later

I step out of my studio, the door closing behind me as the late afternoon sun bathes the town square.

Every morning, I walk this path to my flower shop and feel the same surge of excitement. It’s a dream come true.

When Dion first encouraged me to open it, I was hesitant. Women in the mob don’t have jobs, don’t own businesses. But his unwavering belief in me was something I couldn’t ignore. And I took the leap. I rented out a small studio, and then slowly built my shop.

I cross the street to Black Bean just as my phone buzzes in my pocket.

Dion: Your drink and cinnamon bun are waiting for you on the counter.

I smile as I type back.

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