Page 141 of The Sotíras

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I’ve been foolish to think I could just push these feelings away; pretend they didn’t exist.

I love him, and nothing can change that. Not the distance, not the silence, not even the fear that Andrew might be watching.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, my body shaking with sobs.

Dion pulls out and his strong arms wrap around me.

“It’s okay, astéri mou,” he murmurs softly. “I’ve got you.”



Fucking bastard!” I shout, pounding my fist on the top of my desk. I run a hand through my hair and exhale a deep breath.

“When was the will changed?” I ask the Kastellanos’ lawyer, Haris, over the phone.

“A few months ago,” he replies, sounding nervous.

Son of a bitch.

“Philip never told me he changed it.” I grind my teeth. Anger simmers beneath my skin.

“It wasn’t him,” Haris admits.

My head slings back in surprise. I turn around to face the window—I’m this close to throwing my desk through the glass.

“Then who the fuck was it?” I grit out.

I hear Haris gulping. “His son.”


Philip is now dead—the idiot getting caught in his plan to kidnap Angelica, Evander Vasilakis’s wife. I had advised him to steer clear of her, that it was a terrible idea to go after a Godfather’s wife. But the stubborn old man decided to ignore me. And now he’s gone.

I heard through the grapevine that he was killed when his underground safe house got ambushed, but I was spared the details. Not that I didn’t want them. There was just no one left to give them. All his men were slaughtered in the crossfire.

Hence why I’m now on the phone with his lawyer.

I was promised control. Promised the clan, the reinstating of my family in the Godfather circle.

Philip had assured me that Dimitri wouldn’t be a problem. But he fucking lied.

I growl in frustration. “And you didn’t think to let me know?”

“I-I couldn’t. They threatened my family. They hurt me. I couldn’t take the chance,” Haris stammers, his voice filled with fear.

“Who the fuck is “they,” Haris?” I bark.

“D-Dimitri and his counterpart, Mr. Loukas.”

I still. Dion fucking Loukas. The thorn in my side.

“So, why are you telling me now? Are they not going to kill you for informing me?”

“N-not if-if they don’t find out,” he stutters, and he might as well kill himself now before I find him.

“They might not. But that doesn’t keep you safe from me, maláka,” I spit, before hanging up.

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