Page 136 of The Sotíras

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My eyes fly up to meet his, and I tilt my head to the side, noticing his tight fists against the arm of the chair. “Yeah. I guess it takes one to know one.”

He laughs, and I’m surprised to have elicited such a big reaction. “I guess so.”

“What’s yours?” Referring to the coping mechanism to relieve stress.

He settles deeper into his seat and extends his arms over the headrest, seeming more relaxed. “Isolation, probably.”

My mouth turns downward. “That sounds lonely.”

He shrugs his large shoulders. “It’s all I know.” His gaze seems distant like he’s looking right through me. As if he’s dissociated from reality. What really happened to you, Atlas? I want to know, but I’d rather not press him on our first meeting.

He furrows his brows. “Is that all you do to cope?” he asks, gesturing with his head to my fingers, still playing with the fabric of my top.

I shift in my seat, feeling his scrutiny. “What do you mean?”

“Your eyes,” he replies, bringing his elbows to his knees to lean in closer.

My gaze wanders. I blink once, twice, and a single tear rolls down my cheek. I just met him and he’s already making me cry.

“I obviously don’t know you yet, but I can see the hurt in them. And I can tell you try to mask your pain,” he adds, as if he didn’t just read me like a damn book. His gaze is piercing, unwavering.

I try to maintain an air of calmness despite the tight knot forming in my stomach.

I swallow hard. “I’m not sure what you mean,” I reply, my voice betraying a hint of unease despite my best efforts.

His expression softens. “I can see the toll it’s taking on you. It’s not healthy, whatever it is you’re doing.”

A lump rises in my throat, and I avert my gaze.

“Those things that are weighing you down?” Atlas continues. “You need to let them go. It’s not worth sacrificing your well-being over. You’re stronger than you think, but even the strongest of us need help sometimes.”

Tears start to spill over, so I squeeze my eyes shut.

I wipe my face and chuckle. “Such a great first impression, huh?”

He waves me off. “Nah. I recognize your pain because that’s all I feel.” Raw vulnerability comes through his words. It cuts straight through the tension in the room.

“There’s something deeper than words that tells me you need support. And for what it’s worth, you have it in me.”

There’s a flicker of something in his eyes—understanding, perhaps, or maybe even acceptance—and it’s enough to break through the walls I’ve erected around my heart.

“Thank you, Atlas,” I whisper, the words coming out in a shaky breath. “I...I think I needed to hear that.”

A silent vow forms in my heart—to be stronger, not only for my family, but for myself, too.

Whatever Atlas has endured, whatever battles he fought, if he can still find the strength to carry on, then so can I.

Atlas and I join the others in the dining room, momentarily pushing aside the weight of our earlier conversation.

When I turn the corner, I freeze, my jaw dropping.

Standing with Dimitri is Dion.

My mind races, trying to process his unexpected presence.

He stands casually, hands in his pockets, a small smile playing on his lips. My stomach tightens into knots. Why is he here? What if Andrew finds out? When he said he would see me today, I didn’t think he meant so soon. Though I can’t stop the euphoria of seeing him again, of being so close.

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