Page 128 of The Sotíras

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“Why would he want to hurt Angie? It doesn’t make sense.”

“He was going to use her to get to Evander. Peter was going to leave his estate to our father, not Angelica. But with her marrying a Godfather, father’s position was in jeopardy. Evan and Ang could’ve fought him to regain control.”

I feel the blood drain from my face. My father, willing to sacrifice an innocent life for his own selfish gain.

“Evan and Dion went to rescue her?—”

“And when they found her, they killed him,” I finish for him, and Dimitri confirms with a bob of his head.

Silence hangs heavy in the air.

Cold fury starts to rise within me. “Well, he deserved it,” I seethe.

My brother nods, and I can see in his eyes a mirror of my own emotions, unending anger and disgust, mixed with grief and sorrow we can’t help but still feel. But there are too many pieces to this puzzle, too many unanswered questions lingering in my brain.

“Is there anything else?”

“Nothing you need to worry yourself with right now, Aria. You have to focus on your recovery,” Dimitri replies.

I narrow my eyes, sensing the evasion in his response. I know there’s something he’s omitting, but I let it go—for now.

There’s a gentle knock on the door. Dimitri, my ever-watchful guardian, stands and lets the nurse back in. I can hear their muted voices as they discuss something in hushed tones.

I’m suddenly too tired to concentrate. My body feels like it’s been through a war, every muscle protesting with a dull ache.

As the nurse administers the dose of pain meds, a wave of drowsiness crashes over me with unexpected force.

Before I can even utter a word of thanks, my eyelids betray me, fluttering shut.

A loud knock jolts me awake.

I rub my eyes and sit up in my hospital bed. “Come in,” I groan.

The door cracks open and Andrew stands there, holding a box of chocolates, a strained smile plastered on his face. I grit my teeth and force myself not to call out for my family. I can do this. I can face him.

“Morning, Aria.” He places the box on the nightstand, his eyes scanning over the flowers in the room. I wonder if he knows who brought them.

“Just thought I’d bring you a little treat. How’s recovery going?”

“Good, thanks,” I reply, forcing a cheerful tone. What do you want, Andrew?

He takes a deep breath. “I’ve postponed the wedding…again.”

I blink, trying to keep my composure. The promises made to him by my father about the Kastellanos business should be null and void, since Dimitri has no intention of honoring Baba’s wishes. My father was going to leave the business and estate to Andrew, but Dimitri and Dion were able to switch the will back in my brother’s name. So, how is the wedding still on?

Andrew’s mouth turns up in a wicked smile. “You’re probably wondering how we’re still getting married. Well, sweetheart, the arrangement was sealed in blood, so it’s my right to carry on with it.”

A blood pact? My hands tremble, and I struggle to take a full breath, feeling the panic rise up my throat. “Why, Andrew? You don’t love me, and you know I don’t love you. My father’s dead. Why do you still want this marriage?”

Andrew slams his fist on the table, making me flinch. “It’s none of your fucking business,” he growls, eyes narrowing.

At this point, it seems like he’s playing this twisted game just to get under my skin. He gets a high out of intimidating me. Sick fuck.

He grabs me in a bruising grip, pain shooting up my arm.

“This isn’t about your father’s wishes or Dimitri’s power. This is about what I want, Aria. What my family deserves. What I’m owed.”

“You can’t force me into this.” Tears well in my eyes, but I try to blink them away, refusing to let him see my fear.

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