Page 126 of The Sotíras

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There, we found Angelica fighting her way out. It was a sight to behold.

After that, Philip was taken care of, never to be seen again.

Despite Philip’s death, Galanis still wants to go through with the wedding, and by law of the blood pact, we can’t stop him—unless we kill him. Something I plan to do soon.

Andrew is lucky he hasn’t seen me since he showed up at Evan and Angie’s first wedding reception. He’s been laying low, apparently being away on “business” most of the time.

Finally, I stop, doubling over with my hands on my knees, gasping for breath. But nothing matters right now other than Aria.

I have to protect her.

I straighten up, looking out at Schuylkill River. Right then, my phone vibrates in my back pocket, and I pull it out, seeing Angelica’s name on screen.

“Hey,” I respond, my voice strained from exertion.

“Dion. She’s awake.”


My consciousness gradually returns, and it’s like emerging from a deep, murky pool. With effort, I attempt to open my eyes, but they feel glued shut. The light filtering into the room is a glaring spotlight, intensifying the throbbing ache in my head. I groan and shut them again.

“Hey, you’re awake.” My brother’s voice is filled with relief, though tinged with concern.

I hear my mother rush to my side, and softly brush my hair back from my forehead. Her touch against my hand grounds me amid my confusion. “It’s okay, agápi mou. Take your time,” she murmurs.

“Do you need some water?” Dimitri asks.

I try to speak, but my throat feels dry and scratchy, I manage a weak nod, grateful for the offer.

I muster all my strength and try again, coaxing my heavy eyelids to obey. Finally, they relent, revealing the blurry outlines of the hospital room.

As my vision clears, I take in the sterile surroundings—the pristine white walls, the beeping monitors, the faint smell of antiseptic. And the unmistakable fragrance of flowers.

When I look around, what I see takes my breath away.

Throughout the room are vibrant bouquets of flowers, perched on every available surface.

I’m stunned, my mind struggling to reconcile the stark contrast of the hospital with the unexpected burst of color before me. Mama notices my surprise and follows my gaze. “Your friend brought them for you,” she explains, a knowing smile playing on her lips.

Tears prickle at the corners of my eyes at the beautiful gesture from Dion. But it also stirs up conflicting emotions, as my mind drifts to Andrew.

My mother’s keen intuition picks up on my inner panic, and she squeezes my hand, her eyes filled with understanding. “Don’t worry, sweetheart,” she whispers. “We made sure Andrew wasn’t around when Dion visited.”

Relief floods through me.

Despite my mother’s silence on the matter, I can sense her curiosity simmering beneath the surface. She knows there’s something more between Dion and me, something I’m not ready to admit just yet.

With a shaky breath, I manage a faint smile. “Thank you, Mama.”

My mother returns my smile. “He’s a good friend,” she says, leaving the unspoken questions hanging in the air between us.

Dimitri hands me a glass of water that I chug down immediately.

“How are you feeling?” he asks, his eyes scanning my face for any signs of discomfort.

“I’m okay,” I murmur, my voice coming out faint over the hum of machines. “I’m just glad to see you both.”

Seconds later, a doctor enters the room. “Hello, Ms. Kastellanos. Glad to see you’re awake.”

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