Page 124 of The Sotíras

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The sedative takes hold, and the world fades to black.

The world around me feels disjointed—I’m here but I’m not.

I can’t seem to penetrate the dreamlike state I’m in. And my body refuses to let me open my eyes and come back to reality.

A familiar voice breaks through the haze, sounding angry, desperate. “Let me in…”

Another voice filled with concern and perhaps a hint of warning. “You shouldn’t be here…if Andrew…I can’t help you.”

It feels like I’m eavesdropping on a private conversation.

“I don’t give a fuck…not scared…I need to see her.”

My heartbeat races. Dion.

He’s here.

A fragrance envelops me.

As I slowly come to, the familiarity of the smells around me floods me with a sense of nostalgia and warmth.

I inhale the soothing scent, and I’m transported back to my studio, surrounded by buckets of blooms.

“How much longer… awake?” My mother’s voice trembles. I can clearly tell it’s her this time.

How long have I been here?

“Not sure…Any day.” The doctor’s response is measured, cautious.

I want to reassure her, to tell her that I’m fighting to wake up, that I’m here, somewhere, listening to every word.

But the darkness tugs at me, and I cling to the sound of her voice.

I can’t quite open my eyes, but the sweet scent of flowers envelops me once more.

I hear a familiar voice.

“Astéri mou, please…wake up.”

As I remain suspended between wakefulness and dreams, Dion’s soft words become my lifeline, pulling me gently back to reality.

His presence stirs something in my chest. I can feel his touch, warm and reassuring.

Is he the one who brought me flowers?

His fingers brush against my hand, a tender caress that sends ripples of sensation through me.

“I’m scared,” he admits, his voice cracking with emotion. “I don’t know what…if I lost you...” The haziness returns, and I have a hard time making out all the words.

“I need…” he continues. “You’re my… and I can’t bear the thought of…Come back to me.”

His plea echoes in my mind, and I try to break free from the darkness.

“We can’t tell her…new brother…”

What the fuck?

“She deserves to know…” Dimitri is speaking to someone on the phone. There’s something off about his tone, something I can’t quite grasp.

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