Page 105 of The Sotíras

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I have to find her.

Branches whip against my skin, the forest floor uneven beneath my pounding footsteps. But I press on, driven by a primal instinct to protect her at all costs. She’s out here somewhere, waiting for me to find her, and I won’t let her down. I can’t.

Just when I feel like all hope is lost, I see something beneath the trees: a streak of blonde hair. I sprint toward Aria.

My heart lurches in my chest as I reach her side, breath catching in my throat at the sight before me. Aria lies unconscious by a tree; her usually vibrant face now pale and still. Too pale. I drop to my knees beside her, my shaky fingers brushing against her clammy skin.

“No, no, no,” I murmur, the words barely more than a whisper as I frantically check for signs of life.

Relief floods through me when I feel the faint thud of her pulse beneath my fingertips, but it’s quickly replaced by a gnawing fear as I take in the scene around her.

Baggies of pills litter the ground, their contents spilled everywhere.

My stomach twists when I realize what must have happened. What the fuck could have driven her to this? I stifle a sob, bringing my fist to my mouth.

I gather her limp form into my arms, cradling her against my chest as if my embrace alone could chase away the darkness that threatens to engulf her. Her body is unresponsive, her face still and ashen. But even in her unconscious state, there’s something in her expression—a vulnerability, a fear, a plea for help that tugs at my heartstrings.

The forest floor is cold and damp beneath us, the smell of pine and earth mingling. I shake her gently, but she doesn’t respond.

“Baby, please. Wake up,” I whisper, caressing her face.

My hands are trembling as I brush her hair away from her forehead.

A memory surges up. I’m a kid again, standing in my mother’s bedroom doorway. She’s sprawled on the bed, an empty pill bottle clutched in her hand. I remember the stillness of her body. My throat tightens. I try to push the memory away, but it’s relentless.

“Aria, please.”

Just then, she stirs in my arms and groans. Something in my chest flips.

“That’s it, astéri mou. Come back to me. Show me your light.”

Her eyes flutter open. “Dion?” She tries to move, but I hold her down.

“Shhh, baby. Relax,” I coo.

“Where am I?” she croaks, squeezing her eyes shut.

“In the forest behind your property. Do you remember coming here?”

She shakes her head.

“Speak to me. Tell me what you last remember.”

She licks her dry lips. “I-I-,” she stutters, and then notices the pills around her as if for the first time. Her eyes widen and she doesn’t meet my gaze, as if scared to reveal the truth.

Every fiber of my being screams with rage, yet I force myself to stay calm. She’s so fragile right now, and I don’t want my anger to cause more harm than good. I want to tell her how stupid she is. How reckless she’s been. How selfish she’s become.

I swallow down the fiery words that threaten to escape my lips.

Instead, I focus all my energy on trying to understand her perspective.

“Aria, you could’ve overdosed. You could’ve died.”

She lets out a weak laugh, but it’s strained. “Would that be the worst thing?” she chokes out, and a rush of anger courses through me. I can feel my face getting hot, my jaw tightening as I struggle to keep my voice steady. “I almost lost you!” I shout, my gaze locking onto hers. “Do you have any idea what that feels like? Do you?”

She looks at me with those wide eyes, hurt and confused, but the words keep pouring out of me.

“Do you know what it’s like to think you might never see someone you care about again? To be that close to losing everything?”

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