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"Great." He sniffs and I can see that he’s studying me. "If I were you, I would go back to wherever you were sitting, because I'm pretty sure that Anastasia will be over here in a couple of minutes and kick you out if you don't leave me alone."

"Okay." I slip him my business card. "Looking forward to hearing from you next week."

"You will," he says.

I grab Skye by the hand and guide her back to the table. I can feel her heart racing as we make our way. We sit back down and she stares at me.

"Whoa, what just happened?"

"I'm actually feeling the same way that you are right now." I shake my head in disbelief. "Did I really just get Whittaker Matlock to agree to come into the office?"

"You did," she says. "After you defended me." Her voice sounds wispy. "You didn't have to do that, you know."

"I did. I put you in this position and I feel bad. You're not just an object. You're not just a hot, sexy woman that can be talked to any old way." She stares at me, not speaking. "What are you thinking?" I ask her.

"I was just thinking that sometimes you talk to me any old way, like I’m nothing.”

I realize that her words are true, and I feel slightly guilty.

"I know, and I?—"

"It's okay," she says quickly, her eyes darting away from me. "I kind of like going back and forth with you. I kind of like crossing those lines with you. Maybe because I feel comfortable." She presses her lips together. "You know what I mean?"

I nod slowly, because I do know what she means, and I also don't know how to voice it.

"Shall we finish these drinks and leave?" I say.

"Yeah. I guess we do have paperwork to do."

"Yeah." I stare at her and smile then reach over and grab her hands. "Thank you for being here with me tonight. I'm sorry that I made you cancel your plans. I'm sorry know. Things are weird between us."

"You have nothing to apologize about. It comes with being your assistant." She smiles. "Plus, if you sign Whittaker next week, I'm going to get a huge bonus, and you know what that means?"

"No, what does that mean?" I ask, as my lips twitch.

"That means I am going on an around-the-world trip." She bursts out laughing at the expression on my face. "Don't worry, I'll give you my two weeks notice before I go."

"You better," I say, smiling.

For some reason, I feel comfortable and happy with her. For some reason, I feel more alive than I've felt in a long time, and it has nothing to do with potentially signing Whittaker Matlock.

Chapter Nine


“I’m so lucky that Camden agreed to push our date back by a week,” I remind myself as I apply mascara to my lashes. “If a date had asked me to postpone mere hours before the date, I’m not sure what I would have said.”

“You would have been understanding.” Elisabetta pops a piece of gum into her mouth. “It’s not your fault you had to work.”

“I know. I guess that’s what happens when you plan dates with law firm closers.” I giggle as I remember how impressed Kingston had been when I’d convinced Whittaker to sign with the firm. “I just hope that he thinks I’m worth the wait. How do I look?”

"You look absolutely stunning." Elisabetta gazes at me as I twirl in my white dress. "Beautiful Skye."

"Thank you," I say, as I run my fingers through my silky straight hair. "And thank you for helping me flat iron this. I can't believe how straight we got it."

"You look amazing. I have a feeling tonight is going to be your night. I'm so glad that you made it a dinner date."

"And he's taking me to a top-notch restaurant."

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