Page 74 of Bratva Daddies

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“Good,” he murmurs, his gaze locked on mine.The heat between us is palpable, and my heart races as Nikhil’s fingers gently brush against my chin, tilting it upward. Our eyes lock, and in that instant, I see something shift within him—a newfound vulnerability, a flicker of raw emotion that takes my breath away.

“Annalise,” he whispers, his voice barely audible over the pounding of my heart. And then his lips are on mine, and all coherent thought vanishes in a surge of passion and desire.

His kiss is everything I never knew I needed—tender yet insistent, possessive yet yielding, an intoxicating blend of contradictions that leaves me reeling. I feel my defenses crumble, swept away by the intensity of his touch and the unspoken promises that linger between us.

“God, Annalise…” he murmurs as we break apart, both of us gasping for air, our bodies still pressed close together. “I didn’t realize…how much I…”

“Shh,” I cut him off, placing a finger against his lips, still trembling from our kiss. “You don’t need to say anything.”

As we stand there, still entwined in each other’s arms, I become aware of a presence nearby. I glance to my right and catch sight of Cassius, his eyes locked on us with an unreadable expression. My cheeks flush with embarrassment, and I attempt to disentangle myself from Nikhil’s embrace.

“Wait, Annalise,” Nikhil says, his grip on my arm tightening slightly. “Don’t run away from this.”

“Run away?” I can’t help the incredulous laugh that escapes me. “I’m not running, Nikhil. But we can’t just…ignore the fact that Cassius saw us.”

“Let him see,” he replies, his voice low and steady. “We’re not doing anything wrong.”

“Maybe not, but…” The words die on my lips as I struggle to articulate the whirlwind of emotions that threatens to consume me. Fear, excitement, trepidation, desire—it’s all too much, too soon.

Cassius’s enigmatic smile plays on his lips as he comes closer to us, his piercing blue eyes revealing nothing. I can’t help but be captivated by his magnetic presence, even as my chest tightens with nerves.

“Relax,” he says, shifting his gaze from us to the dazzling city lights below. “Nikhil and I are brothers, after all. We share everything.”

They share everything…

Does that include me?



The darkness of the kitchen envelops me as I enter, my movements quiet and stealthy. The only light comes from the sliver of moonlight filtering through the window, casting shadows across the room. I pour myself a glass of bourbon, the amber liquid shimmering like liquid fire in the dimness. The familiar burn of the alcohol is comforting, settling the storm that’s been raging within me since the incident with Annalise.

It’s been days since I’ve been home. I’ve avoided her, choosing to immerse myself in work instead. But no matter how hard I try to bury it, the guilt festers inside me, gnawing at my conscience like a ravenous beast. The memory of the fear in her eyes haunts me, a constant reminder of my inability to control my own emotions.

“Dammit,” I mutter under my breath, taking another swig of bourbon. I lean against the counter, allowing the weight of my thoughts to press down on my shoulders. My mind drifts back to our heated exchange, the cruel words that flew between us like daggers, each one striking its mark with deadly accuracy.

The clink of the bourbon bottle as it meets the glass echoes through the kitchen, dark and heavy, like the shadows that play across my face. The amber liquid swirls around, a reminder of the turmoil within me—a storm I can’t seem to escape.

“Damian…” Isabella’s voice pierces the silence, startling me out of my thoughts. She stands in the doorway, her blue eyes wide with concern. It’s been days since I’ve seen her, but the distance between us feels like miles.

“Isabella,” I say, my tone icy. “What do you want?”

“Can’t I just check on my brother?” she asks, her gaze flicking to the half-empty glass in my hand.

“Didn’t I tell you not to start with me?” I snap, feeling the anger rise within me like a tidal wave.

“Fine,” she says, raising her hands in surrender before crossing the room to stand beside me. “But, Damian, please…talk to me. We’re family. We’re all we have left.”

“Family?” I scoff, swirling the bourbon until it threatens to spill over the edge of the glass. “Is that what you call this? A family torn apart by lies and betrayal? By death and revenge?”

“Damian, don’t—” she begins, but I cut her off, unwilling to hear whatever words of comfort or understanding she might offer.

“Leave it, Isabella.” My voice is low and dangerous, and I see the fear flash in her eyes before she turns away.

“Damian…” Isabella’s voice is soft, hesitant. She looks at me with those worried eyes, and I can’t help but feel a pang of guilt for how I’ve been acting lately. “I know you have a lot on your plate, but you’re working yourself into the ground. You need to take care of yourself too.”

“Taking care” isn’t a luxury I can afford, not when there are people out there determined to destroy everything I’ve built. The Popovs think they can just waltz in and dismantle the Volkov name? No, I won’t allow it.

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