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“Bowl?” He saw my facial expression and laughed. “No bowl. You’re a straight from the tub girl, huh?”

Moving closer to him to get the ice cream, I smiled and nodded. “Using a bowl would only slow me down. Spoon?”

He winced and looked at the sink. “I haven’t seen a clean one in a while.”

“How often does your cleaning service come?”

“Once a week.”

“Wow. I’m impressed. You guys did a lot of damage to this kitchen in not that much time.” I joined him at the sink and we both stared down at it in silence for a bit. “This place might be the catalyst I need to lose a few pounds. I don’t even want my ice cream anymore. It’s like staring into the depths of hell.”

Fisher turned to face me and when I looked up at him, I saw that he was running his eyes down my body. “Eat the fucking ice cream, Ella. I’ll wash a spoon for you. Anything to keep you from touching those curves.”

My face burned and I felt breathless as he met my gaze again. I wasn’t expecting the interest I saw reflecting back from his deep green eyes. Instead of feeling flattered, I realized with a sinking feeling that I couldn’t remember the last time Billy had said anything like that to me, or if he ever had. I swallowed a lump in my throat and shook my head. “I’m an idiot.”


“Nothing. Just the ramblings of a sad girl who moved states to chase a jerk. Ignore me.” I turned to face the sink again and nodded. “I can do this. If I didn’t throw up when I saw Billy in someone’s vagina earlier, I’m not going to now. You should probably back up, though, just in case.”

“I had an idea for diamond brass knuckles. On a scale of one to order them tonight, how much would those interest you and would they cheer you up?” Fisher leaned against the sink with his back to the dishes. “Also, Billy seems like a fucking idiot. I really support the idea of you letting Vaughn beat the shit out of him. I’d volunteer to do it myself but I’m a lover, not a fighter.”

“Fisher.” Vaughn’s angry voice filled the kitchen and made me jump. As I watched, he stalked across the kitchen and grabbed Fisher’s shoulder to shove him away from me. “Fuck off.”

Fisher held up his hands and winked at me. “Say the word and the knuckles are yours.”

I rolled my eyes at him and looked back at the dishes. “I’m at the beginning of my Cinderella story. It’s too early for diamonds.”

“Oh, I like that.” Fisher grunted and stumbled when Vaughn shoved him. “Jesus, V, I’m leaving. Relax, big bro. I’m keeping my hands to myself.”

Vaughn turned on me once Fisher was out of the room. He took Fisher’s place beside me but when he looked down at me it was with a scowl on his face. “Stay away from my friends, Ella.”

I looked up at him like he’d lost his mind. “Vaughn. I just broke up with Billy. You just listened to me sobbing like a baby a few hours ago. What part of me looks like I’m ready to jump on the first dick that comes my way?”

His face pinched. “Don’t fucking say it like that. I’m just telling you, Ella, don’t let them touch you.”

“You’re being weird.” I bravely grabbed the top dish from the sink and set it aside. “You can rest easy, Vaughn. I’m not interested in your friends. I’m pretty sure I’m never going to date again.”

“That’s a little dramatic.”

I turned so I was fully facing him. “Are you insane? What part of I found my boyfriend in another woman’s vagina don’t you get? Dramatic would’ve been slashing his tires and telling everyone on campus that he’s got a small dick and a disease. Dramatic would be filling his frat house with rats and hoping one of them bites said small dick off. I think I’m handling this whole thing rather well, all things considered. So, don’t call me dramatic. If I never want to date again, I’m never going to date again!”

Vaughn held up his hands. “Okay, okay. You’re not dramatic and you’re never going to date again. Great.”

“And rinse the food off your dishes from now on. This is disgusting.”

With a growing smile, he slowly backed away. “I don’t think Cinderella got to be this bratty.”

“Go away.”

He patted my shoulder as he walked past. “Your ice cream is melting.”

I looked back at the sweating tub and pouted. “Worst day ever.”



Imet Natalie Shawn on my first day of classes. She was in my Comparative Politics class and we’d instantly bonded when the professor made a statement that revealed his very misogynistic beliefs and we’d both groaned in perfect unison. We were both political science majors heading towards law school and we hit it off. When I wasn’t studying or cleaning up after three of the grossest humans alive, I went to her campus apartment to hang out. It showed me pretty quickly what I’d been missing my freshman year at Penn. I’d been so involved in the long-distance relationship with Billy that I hadn’t made time for anyone else.

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