Page 84 of Off-Limits Roomates

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Iglanced in the rearview mirror at Ella and saw that she’d nodded off. We’d dropped Dad off at the airport and gotten on the road to the cabin but we’d spent more time with Ella’s mom and Charlie than we’d meant to, so it was late. The mountain road leading up to the cabin was only lit by the truck’s headlights and the full moon overhead. It curved and wound around the mountain as it slowly took us higher and higher. Just when I was starting to worry that the GPS was broken, I saw the sign for the cabin.

Booth breathed out a sigh of relief from next to me. “I was convinced that we were lost.”

“Dad couldn’t have picked a more remote cabin. There hasn’t been another house for miles.” I turned down a narrow driveway with trees on either side, encroaching into the dirt road. “Well, if this is where we die, at least it’ll be under a pretty cool night sky.”

Ella woke up when the road got rough and the truck jolted her. “Where are we?”

Fisher leaned forward from the back seat and grunted. “Pretty sure Vaughn’s dad is a serial killer and this is where he was going to kill his girlfriend.”

“Nice, Fish.” I fought to keep the truck from sliding off some of the deeper ruts and scraping along the line of trees. By the time the road opened up and revealed a cabin, my shoulders were tense and I was silently cursing Dad for renting a murder cabin.

“Whoa.” Ella unbuckled and scooted forward. “It’s cute!”

I shot Booth a look after I parked in front of the small cabin. I wasn’t sure it was cute. With no lights on, the place looked creepy. I didn’t get a chance to look more than a quick glance, though, before Ella threw open her door and rushed towards the porch. “Ella!”

Stopping in the truck’s headlights, she looked back at us and grinned. “Come on! I want to see the inside! Do you think there’s electricity or will we have to light candles? That’d be so pretty!”

Booth swore under his breath as he rushed after her. I waited to cut the truck off until I saw him grab a key from the lockbox next to the door and unlock it. Once I saw a light come on inside, I cut the headlights and grabbed our bags.

Fisher hung back with me and looked around at the pitch black forest surrounding us. “This is going to be embarrassing but tell me why I’m feeling more anxious about what’s going to happen inside the cabin than I am about what’s in these woods out here.”

I stopped with one foot on the first step of the porch. “What do you mean?”

“Have you ever shared a woman with two of your buddies? Because I haven’t. There’s a lot of logistical shit that I’m worried about.” He sounded stressed. “It’s got to be good. If it’s bad and she decides this isn’t a good idea, I-”

Ella poked her head out of the cabin. “Come on, slow pokes! It’s so cute! There’s electricity and running water, so don’t worry about that.”

I smiled as she disappeared into the cabin again. “She loves us.”

He took a deep breath and slowly blew it out. “You’re right.”

“We’ll figure the rest out.” I rolled my shoulders. “I’m nervous, too. There’s a lot of dicks in my near future and I can promise you that I never thought I’d say anything like that.”

“The time with me, Booth, and Ella was easy. It’s not like we’re going to be swinging our dicks all over the place. If our dicks touch, we’re doing something wrong.” He shuddered. “Just to be clear, that’s not what I’m signing up for.”

I punched him in the arm. “No shit, asshole. What in our four years of friendship would make you think that I might be signing up for touching dicks with you?”

Ella stuck her head out again. “Okay, I’m hearing parts of your conversation and I feel like I’m hearing a lot of talk about touching each other’s dicks.”

“What the fuck is going on out there?” Booth’s voice boomed from inside the cabin. “That’s not what I signed up for.”

“None of us signed up for that! Jesus.” I stomped up the porch steps and stopped in front of Ella. “You’re a pain.”

Her lips turned up in a wide smile. “I know.”

Fisher followed me inside. “For the record, we were talking about not touching each other’s dicks.”

Booth shot us a glare from across the room. “That isn’t something we need to clarify. I don’t need to state that I’m not going to touch fire but you know I’m not going to touch fire.”

“We were talking logistics, asshole.” I dropped the bags on the big leather couch separating the living room from the small dining room. “This place doesn’t look so murdery inside.”

Ignoring our dick talk, Ella spun around in a circle as she looked at everything. “It’s not murdery at all. It’s adorable. Look at the fireplace. And there’s a hot tub on the back deck! The shower in the bathroom is big enough for all of us, too. It’s huge!”

I smiled at how genuinely excited she was. “The hot tub sounds pretty good.”

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