Page 58 of Off-Limits Roomates

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“I was a few towns over for business and I decided to pop over and surprise you guys. I didn’t realize it was Halloween until I got here. I was just about to leave to head to my hotel so I’m glad you three showed up.”

Vaughn cleared his throat and I cringed from behind Fisher. “Actually, Dad, there’s four of us now.”

“Oh? You got a new roommate?”

I stepped forward and smiled what I hoped was an innocent and sweet smile, something that said I hadn’t just had his son’s penis in my mouth. “Hey, Paul.”

His eyes went wide and he rushed over to hug me. He’d always given the best hugs. Dad hugs. He squeezed me tight and spun me around like I was still a little kid. “Ellie! What are you doing here? Look at you! You’re all grown up!”

I swayed when he put me down and shrugged. “I transferred here at the beginning of the semester. It’s not a permanent move, though.”

“Why didn’t you tell me, V? I would’ve come over a lot sooner.” Paul ruffled my hair and grinned down at me. He was just as tall as Vaughn and had the same slim build. He hadn’t changed much in the decade that had passed. Maybe there was a bit of silver at his temples but I was already telling Mom in my head that he was still the same handsome Paul. “How’s your mother?”

“She’s as nuts as ever.” I grinned. “I can’t wait to tell her that I saw you. She’s going to be pissed that you still have all your hair.”

He let out a rowdy laugh and threw his arm over my shoulder. “Kid, you’ve still got the best sense of humor. I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you, Ella. I need to call you more. But this is amazing. My two kids, together again.”

I choked on my next breath at his words. Oh, god. Vaughn patted me roughly on the back while Booth and Fisher snorted and gave each other looks that said everything I was freaking out about in my head. His two kids. As if we were still siblings. I was going to vomit. Or pass out. Or maybe I’d do both and they’d let me choke to death on my vomit.

“Vaughn! Really?” Paul leaned forward and touched the lacy edge of my panties that were sticking out of Vaughn’s shirt pocket. “You can’t be more of a gentleman with your sister around?”

Fisher picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. It was a good thing, too, because I was trapped in my body, screaming at the top of my lungs inside my head. He patted my thigh and laughed. “Vaughn? A gentleman? Unlike me, he’s still a cad. I’ve settled down. I didn’t think I’d have to meet the parents so early, but I can handle it, Mr. Adler.”

“You two are dating? That’s amazing. I knew it would take someone special to tie you down, Fish.” Paul grunted. “And call me Paul. Both of you. I have to tell you every time I come around. You especially have to call me Paul if you’re dating my daughter.”

Fisher laughed too easily. “Paul, you have no idea how happy I am to have you visiting. This is just great.”



“We’ll hang out tomorrow, Ellie?” Paul tilted his head to talk to me without Fisher putting me down. “I’ve missed you, kid. I’ve got to be better at checking in on you.”

“Of course. I’ll clear my schedule for you.” I was getting light-headed from all the blood rushing to my head but I was kind of hoping I’d just pass out and everything would be back to normal when I woke up.

“Night, everyone. Try not to have too much fun down here.” Fisher grunted and took a step backwards. “Jesus, Vaughn.”

“You’re going to have Dad thinking that Ella isn’t going to her own room for the night.” Vaughn let out a forced laugh. “Don’t give him a heart attack like that.”

I pressed myself up enough to glare at Vaughn. “I’m sure that Paul doesn’t care about my chastity, Vaughn. I’m an adult.”

“Do these two still fight like they used to?” Paul sighed. “And Ellie’s right, Vaughn. She’s an adult. If you touch my little girl while I’m in the house, though, I’ll have to kill you, Fisher.”

Booth laughed. “They definitely still fight. I think it’s probably changed a bit, though.”

“I’m not going to touch anyone.” Fisher’s hand lifted from where it’d been resting on my thigh. “I’m saving myself for marriage.”

Paul let out a booming laugh. “I’m just messing with you, son. Mostly.”

My voice came out as a squeak when I spoke. “Okay! Goodnight, everyone!”

When Fisher finally started climbing the stairs, I was so embarrassed and horrified that I was considering running away. The irrational part of my brain was already working out the details. I could live with the crazy doll woman who wanted to watch Buffy and braid my hair. Or maybe those men in the Roadside Inn parking lot were actually very nice and I’d become an important member of their friend group.

“Breathe, Ella.” Fisher squeezed the back of my thigh. “In and out.”

I sucked in a ragged breath and blew it out so hard that his shirt ruffled. “I think I’m dying.”

“I can’t say I blame you.” He jogged up the last few steps and carried me to my room. “That was horrible. I didn’t know the step sibling thing was still a thing.”

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