Page 92 of Ruthless

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“But we—”

Her cellphone rang, and without taking her gaze off him, she answered, “Hello?”


Putting the call on speaker, she said, “Yes, Papa, it’s Lina. Are you all right?”

“You can come home, Lina.” The king’s voice dripped with exhaustion. “We have found the traitor.”

“Who, Papa?”

“It is Jacques.”

“Did he say why?”

“No. I haven’t talked with him.”

“I’d like to be there when you do.”

“I will send a helicopter for you.”

Knowing that there was nothing keeping her here now, Gideon took the phone from her and said to the king, “I’m sending you the coordinates to our location.”

“Thank you, Gideon, for taking care of the princesse. I am forever in your debt.”

His eyes locked with Eve’s, he didn’t hesitate to say the words she so obviously believed. “Just doing my job, sir.”


Eve stood at the back window, looking out into the darkness. The helicopter would be here soon. Since the phone call earlier, she and Gideon had barely spoken to each other. She knew she had hurt him with her accusations. She hadn’t meant them. She knew Gideon. He had no ego when it came to his professional life. He did what he thought was right because of his integrity and character.

One of her biggest failings was the ability to get to the crux of a matter, expose the most excruciating detail, and exploit it for maximum pain. She had almost lost Olivia’s friendship forever for doing that very thing a couple of years ago. And now she had done it to Gideon, the man who meant the world to her.

He was standing behind her, and everything within her told her to apologize. Pride was her downfall. It always had been.

Pulling in a breath, she turned and said haltingly, “I didn’t mean—”

He held up his hand. Thinking he was going to say something, she stopped. And then she realized what he was doing. He was listening. A whirling noise hit her ears and then the deep whomp-whomp of helicopter blades. Her ride was here.

She turned to see a brilliant light, trees swaying wildly, and then an elegant black helicopter settled on the ground.

Glancing over her shoulder, she whispered, “Come with me.”

“No. You’ve got this. Just be careful. Just because your uncle has confessed doesn’t mean the threat is over. Bennett is still out there.”

“I know. I’ll be careful. Where will—”

“I’ll see you in a few days.”

She tried to take comfort from his words, but his blank expression gave her little hope that things would ever be right between them again.

Her heart heavy, she stepped out onto the back porch. When the helicopter door swung open, she lowered her head and ran forward. Grabbing the hand someone held out for her, she climbed into the small compartment and settled into a seat. As the machine lifted from the ground, she looked back at the small house and knew she was leaving her heart behind.

Vowing to make it right between them once this was over, she glanced around at the other occupants. Three men she didn’t recognize surrounded her. She would have thought her father would have sent some of the guards she knew. The cold expression in their eyes barely gave her a warning before she felt a sting on the back of her neck. Horrified that she’d been tricked, she swung a fist toward the closest man. He gripped it and twisted, causing an agonizing pain all the way up her arm.

Her mind blurring, her thoughts chaotic, she barely felt the slug to her face before her head fell forward, and her mind went blank.


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