Page 83 of Ruthless

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Instead of challenging him on that, she asked, “Where are we?”

“That’s not something you need to know.”

Gasoline, meet torch.

Her brows arched. “I beg your pardon? Not something I need to know? Just who the hell do you think you are?”

“Eve, it doesn’t matter where you are, because you’re not going anywhere until this thing is over.”

Dumbfounded and shocked, she looked at him as if he’d just sprouted two additional heads. Finally, she went to her feet. “So I’m confined to this house?”

“Of course not. You’re welcome to come and go as you please. The closest neighbor is about five miles away. The only way there is a steep and narrow dirt trail.”

“So how did we get here?”


“Where are my shoes?”

“If you want to go outside, I’ll be glad to get your shoes. Just know that I’ll be right beside you all the way.”

“I can outrun you.”

“You can try.”

She grew quiet again and then, tilting her head, said softly, “So how does it feel?”

“How does what feel?”

“To be the kind of person we hunt every day.”

His temper surged, just as she had intended. “Just what the hell does that mean?”

“You drugged and abducted me. You’re holding me against my will.”

“I’m protecting you,” he snapped.

“Make excuses for yourself all you want, Gideon. But I know exactly who you are.”

“I’m the man who would give his last breath to keep you safe.” He didn’t say that to be melodramatic or arrogant. It was simply the truth.

“Aw. How incredibly condescending.”

“Look, you may not like my method, but—”

“So my father ordered you to take me away. How much is he paying you now? Have you already found another charity, or will you keep the money for yourself this time?”

He’d taken as many verbal shots as he could handle right now. “That’s enough.”

“What?” she mocked. “Did I hurt your tender feelings?”

“Hear me well, Eve, because I’m only going to say this one time.” Standing within inches of her face, angrier than he’d been in a long time, he growled, “I did not do this at your father’s bidding. He is not paying me a dime. Taking you away was my idea before your father even mentioned it to me.”

“You think that makes it any better?”

“No. Just telling you like it is.”

She backed away and paced for several seconds and then tried again. “Gideon, I understand you want to keep me safe, but I face danger almost every single day. I know how to protect myself.”

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