Page 46 of Ruthless

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Grinning about his conversation with Wright, Jeremy settled into his favorite chair with a cold one and dreamed about what he was going to do with all the money he was going to get. Only a few weeks ago, he’d been about to pack up and leave the country, sure that his life in Amelie was over. And then fortune had stepped in, and he was back in the game. He was, in fact, better off than he’d ever been before.

He hadn’t been filled in on everything. That wasn’t the way these things worked. There were lots of different parts to this kind of operation, and he was just a cog in the wheel. He didn’t mind being a cog. As long as he got to be involved and got paid for it, he had no problem letting others take the bigger risks. He didn’t yet know what part they’d want him to play, but he was up for anything. About time he got what he deserved.

Figuring his new friend would want to know what had just happened, he grabbed the burner phone he’d been given and pressed the key for the only number on it.

“Yes?” a harsh, male voice said.

Slightly startled at the unfriendly tone, Jeremy said, “Guess who just paid me a visit.”

“I’m not in the habit of guessing games, Clement. You got something to say, then say it.”

The grin erased from his face, Clement said, “Gideon Wright was just at my door, threatening to kill me.”

“Is that right?”

The smile returned to Jeremy’s face. The man now sounded much more friendly. He guessed he should allow the man some slack. He was in the middle of a major operation and had a lot on his mind.

“Yes. He was furious, in fact. Didn’t lay a hand on me, though. He knew better.”

“Perhaps we should talk about this in person.”

“Really? You want me to meet you somewhere?”

“No, that’s not necessary. I have to be in the city for some other business. I can drop by and see you. Will you be home tomorrow evening?”

“I’ll make sure of it.”

“Excellent. It may be quite late, but I’ll be there.”

“I’ll look forward to it.”

The call ended abruptly, but Jeremy shrugged. That’s the way it was with high-powered, driven people. They didn’t have time for chitchat and niceties. They had more important things on their minds.

Twisting off the top of his beer, Jeremy took a long swallow and blew out a gusty sigh. He’d always had more ambition than talent, which had landed him a job he’d hated. It’d paid well, but other than bossing people around and having some inside information on palace business, he’d never liked it. Lately, his ambition had dwindled, and now he was ready for a new phase of his life. With the money he was going to be paid, he was looking at moving out of the country. Maybe he’d head to warmer climates and even warmer women.

Swallowing another gulp of beer, Jeremy closed his eyes and daydreamed for the rest of the day. His ship had finally come in.


San Juan, Puerto Rico

Gideon took a swallow of his rapidly cooling coffee, trying not to grimace at its bitter taste. His eyes casually scanned the area of the sidewalk café. He wasn’t expecting any problems, but he liked to be aware at all times. Trouble often came when one least expected it.

He felt Eve’s absence like a missing limb. If she were here, she would be sitting beside him, sipping coffee, and people-watching as they waited for their mark to appear. They’d be sharing witty quips and discussing the latest show they’d binged on Prime or Netflix.

Other than the few times one of them had been on a deep-cover assignment alone, they’d seen each other every day for over a decade. Even during those deep-cover assignments, they’d kept in touch through encrypted emails and texts.

Things had definitely changed. In the past three weeks, he’d heard from her only a few times. All of her texts had been infuriatingly brief. The first time had been an hour or so after his last visit to her, the one where he’d laid it all on the line and kissed her. She had sent him a short, not-so-sweet, What the hell was that?

Maybe it was unfair of him, but he’d thrown it right back in her court with, Took you long enough.

When she hadn’t responded, he’d waited a few hours and sent her another challenge: You didn’t like it?

It had taken her an entire day to come back with a response. He was sure there had been more than a few deleted drafts before she’d come back with, I’ve had better.

His answer—Liar—had received no response.

There had been nothing related to that since then. Everything was now up to her. He’d given her all he could. She had said she had forgiven him, which was more than he could have hoped for. But he still hoped for more. If she couldn’t give her trust to him again? Well, he’d cross that bridge when he came to it…if he came to it.

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