Page 41 of Ruthless

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Only a few weeks ago, infamous spy Iris Gates had given them a treasure trove of information. Names, businesses, organizations all supposedly tied to the Wren Project. As Iris was on the edge of evil herself, trusting her intel was by no means a sure thing, but it was the biggest lead they’d had so far. They had no choice but to take what she’d given them and run with it.

“I sent a smaller box with the satellite phone,” Ash said. “You see it?”

Gideon hadn’t thought of looking for anything else. He grabbed the box and turned it upside down. A long, slender box slid out. Curious, he ripped off the tape and wasn’t surprised to see a leather pouch. He already knew what it contained.

As if he could see Gideon’s movements, Ash said, “You know what to do.”


When they’d created OZ, they had all made a vow to stay connected. The one way to do that was via the chip each of them had implanted in their arms. Before he and Eve had arrived in Ile de la Lune, Gideon had removed theirs. It had been for Eve’s benefit more than his. No one knew Eve’s real identity, and when she was ready, she would tell her story. The last thing he wanted was for her to be forced into it. He’d already betrayed her trust too much already.

“No problem,” Gideon said. “I’ll get it done.”

“Soon as you’re up and running, send me your Internet info. Serena can set up your security, and you’ll be good to go.”

What would they do without Serena Donavan? She was one of the most gifted and intelligent people he knew. She had created impenetrable firewalls, uncovered intel that would take most intelligence agencies years to discover, and designed software exclusively for Option Zero’s use. Not only that, but she was also a kickass OZ operative.

“Serena’s back at work?”

“No. She’s still visiting her folks, but you know Serena. She’s like a one-woman intelligence agency all on her own. Besides, I think it helps with what’s going on with Sean.”

Gideon still couldn’t get over Sean’s attitude. Yes, Hawke and Ash had lied, but there had been valid reasons. And Serena hadn’t lied—she just hadn’t shared the intel she’d uncovered. Somehow Sean was seeing it all as a personal betrayal.

“You think it’d help if I talked to Donavan in person?” Gideon asked. He and Sean had always had a good relationship, and he thought of Sean as family, like he did all his OZ brothers and sisters.

“Yeah, maybe. If you can find him.”

Which meant Sean had removed his chip as well. Gideon sighed. That was not good.

“Serena doesn’t know his location?”

“Has no idea. Said he grabbed some stuff from their house and disappeared.”

Now that just pissed him off. Going off-grid was one thing, but leaving his wife without any way to contact him? That was beyond shitty.

“If I find him, I might kick his ass,” Gideon growled.

“Get in line,” Ash said.

“What’s going on with Olivia and Hawke? I know they went away together. Are they—”

“No,” Ash said abruptly. “Olivia’s back with LCR, and Hawke’s looking like a lost puppy.”

How did people in love mess up so badly? He’d never seen two people more perfect together than Hawke and Olivia, but for some reason, they couldn’t make a go of it. How on earth did he expect that he and Eve ever could?

“Since the news so far has been shitty all around, might as well hit me with what’s going on with Jazz and Xavier. Any news on her brother?”

“Nothing more than we already knew. He is alive and living somewhere in South America.”

“That narrows things down.”


“On that cheerful note, I’ll get on with the more pleasant task of shooting this thing into my arm.”

“Happy shooting. I’ll send you the intel as soon as you’re set.”

“I’ll let you know what I find.”

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