Page 25 of Ruthless

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Shitty way to treat his friends, but it wasn’t the shittiest thing he’d ever done to someone. That honor was all Eve’s.

When he got to Olivia’s text, he couldn’t send the same innocuous bullshit. Not only was she the closet thing to a sister that Eve had ever had, but she had also been through hell lately. She and Eve had just recently mended their relationship, and he didn’t want to damage the progress they’d made.

Making a slight concession, he answered her text with, Hey, Liv, Eve is still a bit under the weather, but she is getting better every day. As soon as she’s able, she’ll give you a call. I know she misses you. Hope you’re feeling yourself again. Talk with you soon. ~G

Still vague, but a little less terse than the other texts he’d sent.

“Who are you texting?”

Gideon looked up, his heart stuttering in his chest. When Eve Wells wanted to look nice, all she had to do was exist. When Eve Wells wanted to stun, she spent ten minutes in front of a mirror and could rival any woman who’d ever existed for beauty.

Clearing his throat, he dropped his phone into his pocket and stood. “Basically everyone at OZ.”

She grimaced. “What did you tell them about our whereabouts?”

“Nothing.” He nodded at her arm. “I had your tracker removed when we were still airborne, before we arrived here.”

“I hadn’t even noticed. My brain’s been so foggy.”

“You okay with that?”

“Yes. Having them know our location would cause more problems for everyone. What about our phones?”

“I disabled the GPS on both of them so they can’t be traced.”


“You ready to eat?”

“Yes, I’m starving.”

“Want to sit in a chair?”

“No. I’ll just roll up to the table. I think I overdid it with my little escapade this morning.”

“Sorry you had to do that.” Gideon cut a generous slice of tartiflette and placed it in front of Eve. “I knew you would eventually find me.”

“Want to tell me what happened with Clement?”

Gideon dug into his meal and almost groaned as the flavors hit his tongue. He’d missed this kind of food.

Aware that Eve was waiting for an explanation, Gideon shrugged. “He sent some men for me. Said he wanted to discuss your safety. I went. He spent about a half hour asking one question after the other, trying to find out where you’d been the last few years and what you were doing.”

“And when you gave him nothing, it pissed him off.”

“Something like that.”

“And the bruises?”

“Six against one isn’t the fairest of fights. When they wouldn’t let me go, I held my knife to Clement’s throat, to which he took exception. A couple of tases and some well-shod boots once I was on the ground was all it took. I woke up in the cell.”

“That man will not be able to get a job within a thousand miles of here by the time I’m through with him.”

“Good. He’s way too incompetent for that job.”

“You sound like you know him.”

And this was where it got real. This was where he was going to lose her completely, lose only part of her, or be able to explain in such a way that she forgave him. And though he could usually gauge how a conversation might go, in this instance he could honestly say he had no idea whatsoever. All he could do was give her the answers and hope and pray he could make her understand.

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