Page 115 of Ruthless

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“So we still have traitors within the castle walls.”

“Yes, I’m afraid so.”

“I’m sorry, Papa. I know finding out that Alex did all those evil things was hard. And now you’ve lost him again.”

Only by the slightest tremble of his mouth did he reveal the pain he was feeling. Stoic as ever, he said, “While it would not be true to tell the people that a bullet fragment took Alexandre’s life, giving the real cause of his death would serve no purpose.”

She could agree with him on this. Alex was dead. Whether he’d been killed by an assassin’s bullet or murdered to prevent him from revealing his accomplices, the result was still the same. Allowing the traitor still within the walls of the castle to believe they’d gotten away with the cover-up could work to their advantage.

“I agree, Papa. I will support you on this.”

“Thank you, Lina.” Holding out his hand, he pulled her to her feet and then into his arms. “I know that this is not what you want for your life. I wish it didn’t have to be so.”

“Thank you, Papa.”

“You love Gideon. Yes?”

“I do. But I don’t know how he will react to this.”

“He would make a fine prince consort.”

She couldn’t imagine asking him to give up the life he loved to become a prince consort. However, that was something she and Gideon would have to work out themselves. “Thank you for your support, Papa. I’ve received a text that Gideon has regained consciousness. I need to go speak to him.”

“Of course you do.” He sighed, releasing her. “And I need to announce to our country that I’ve lost my last son.”

“I’m so sorry, Papa. I know this isn’t easy. I can stay with you.”

“No, my angel. You go see Gideon. You have much to discuss with him. I have Jacques here for support. Our people will meet their future queen on Thursday.”

Unable to say anything because of the emotions spiraling through her, she gave her father what she hoped was a convincing smile as she left his office. The conversation she would have to have with Gideon consumed her thoughts as she headed to her apartment. Even though every molecule of her being urged her to get back to him as soon as possible, she couldn’t resist taking the time to shower and change into her own clothes. She knew it wouldn’t matter to him what she wore, but if she were going to get her heart broken, she would at least look good.


Saint Joseph’s Hospital

Marseille, France

Gideon watched Eve sleep. He didn’t know when she had arrived, but when he’d opened his eyes this morning, he’d found her sleeping in a cot beside his bed. He had always enjoyed watching her sleep. In a state where relaxation and complete ease should be the primary goal, Eve took it to a different level. Just like she did everything in life, she slept with total concentration and purpose. A tiny frown furrowed her brow as if she was determined to excel at sleeping. He had witnessed that determination each time she took on a new task. It was both awe-inspiring and incredibly sexy.

He knew she must be exhausted. In the past forty-eight hours, she had been drugged and kidnapped, learned her brother was a murderer and traitor, had a demon from her past return to torture her, almost single-handedly battled an army, and watched him almost die.

As much as he wanted her to wake up so he could see those intelligent blue eyes brighten with life, he knew she needed to rest as much as possible. Because not only had Eve done all of the aforementioned items, but she had also learned that she would one day become queen.

No one had told him that, of course, but there was no other real option for the monarchy. He knew the royal line of succession as well as anyone who’d grown up in Ile de la Lune. Whether Eve wanted the crown or not, she would take it on the same way she tackled everything else in life—with determination and drive. She would make a remarkable queen.

The possibility of this happening had always been in the back of his mind, but before, it had seemed so remote that he had never given it much thought. Now that it was fact and not just a possibility, the ramifications boggled his mind. Everything would change between them. How it would change was up in the air.

“You know,” Eve mumbled sleepily, her eyes still closed, “some people would consider being watched while they’re asleep kind of creepy.”

“Depends upon the sleep-ee.”

“That’s not even a word.”

“Lots of words aren’t words until they get made up.”

She blinked, opening her eyes to slits. “Way too early to start your philosophy lesson, Professor Wright.”

“Never too early to learn from the professor.”

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