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Nothing gets past Eira. I don’t know if it’s the nanny in her, or the fact that she was more like a mother to me than an older sister. She knows me inside out.

“Maybe a little.”

“Do I need to fly over and give him a stern talking-to?”

I laugh. I’d pay money to see how that conversation went. Bennett wouldn’t stand a chance.

“No, but thanks. I’ll survive. It’s not like—” I can’t find the words. To people looking from the outside in, it would be difficult to see how I could be cut up about what’s happened to Bennett and me. Someone who didn’t understand the connection I felt would tell me to move on, shake it off, get under the next guy.

I get it.

But it didn’t take long for me to feel more for Bennett than I’ve ever felt for any man. Whatever those feelings were, they’re going to take some getting over. It’s not a case of slipping on some heels and a short skirt and having a night out. That’s not going to cure my twisted-up insides.

Only time will do that.

I hope.

“It’s not like what?” Eira asks.

“I’m twenty-two. And I’m in New York. It’s not like?—”

“Where did you meet him?”

This isn’t a conversation I want to have. What am I going to say? Oh, I picked him up in a bar and he shagged my brains out and I cleaned his room and he bent me over his desk.

And then, all of a sudden, it wasn’t just about sex. If it ever was.

“Work. Kinda.”

“Oh, he works at the hotel?”

I need to close this conversation down. The more questions she asks, the more I reveal, the less Bennett would like it. Not that my sister knows much about Fort Inc. or American business moguls who don’t want their identities revealed. Not that I couldn’t trust my sister with my life. But Bennett wouldn’t want to be discussed, and talking about him won’t change anything.

“Sort of,” I say. He does own the place. “I’m going to have a shower. And then I’m going to head to the park.” It hurts, but knowing I can’t have a sister-to-sister conversation about the boy who broke my heart helps a little. It makes me realize that Bennett and I were going to have to go our separate ways at some point. I can’t be with someone I can’t reveal to Eira. I need to start trying to move forward.

“Some sunshine and fresh air will be good for you.”

“It’s August in New York. Nothing about being outside is good for anyone. But I appreciate the platitude.”

She laughs. “Come back home. We’re due a full week of rain after today.”

That’s what life would be back in London. Predictably drizzly.

And Bennett-free.

Not so different to life in New York.



I’m rarely nervous. I’ve never struggled with delivering bad news. I can’t remember the last time I avoided a conversation with someone.

Today is different. This is going to be Monday night with a twist.

And the twist is, Leo’s girlfriend “Nadia” is a lying, cheating thief.

Aarvi and Chul have checked and double-checked everything three times. There’s no doubt about any of the information I have. I just haven’t shared it with anyone yet.

All Worth, Fisher, Jack, and Byron know is that I have to deliver bad news to Leo about Nadia. I want us all to be together, although Byron can’t make it as he’s traveling.

Leo will need the support. And I want them all to hear what I’ve got to say so there’s no chance of a divide in the group. Nadia lives with Leo now and there’s no telling the lengths she’ll go to in an effort to explain herself. I just hope Leo hears me out. I know I’m running a risk. Leo might not choose to believe me; instead, he might think I’m trying to destroy his relationship.

Worth offered his place up as neutral territory. I press the bell on the brownstone, part of me wondering whether I should have brought security.

I’m six minutes late. Enough time for everyone to have arrived before me. I’m a horrible actor, and I don’t want to have to small talk with these five people who’ve become my family over the years. As soon as I see Leo, I want to rip off the Band-Aid.

Worth opens the door, his expression grim. He knows I wouldn’t have asked for his and the others’ help if this wasn’t serious. At the same time, I don’t want Leo thinking this is some kind of intervention or that we’ve all been scheming behind his back.

That’s not what this is about. There should be no muddying of the waters. Everyone will find out at the same time, with me using the same words.

“Everyone’s here,” Worth says.

I nod. I wonder if “everyone” includes Nadia. But I don’t ask. I don’t want to preempt anything.

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