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“I can see the attacks happening. They definitely got in through a mobile device,” Tristan says. “I can see it in the code.”

“Can you see which mobile device?” I ask. I’d put money on it being Bennett’s.

“Yup. I just need to get a number for it.”

“Let me make you a tea,” I say.

“Music to my ears coming from a British person. The Americans can’t make tea.” Tristan’s phone bleeps and he starts typing. “I’m texting Parker your address. She’s done at the Frick. Is that okay?”

“Of course. I’d love to meet her. Is she okay with you being here? Aren’t you meant to be on holiday?”

“She knows I can’t resist something like this. She’s fine. We’re staying at the Mandarin Oriental, so she’ll basically pick me up on the way.”

“The Mandarin Oriental is in the Deutsche Bank Center, isn’t it?” I get up from the sofa and start to make tea.

“Yeah. You’ve been?”

“That’s where Fort’s offices are, but no, I’ve never been.”

“So how did you get dragged into looking into Fort security? You’d think they’d have the best and the brightest on it.”

I laugh. “You’re assuming I’m not either?”

Tristan chuckles. “No offense meant. I know from Parker you don’t work at Fort. She said you just graduated.”

“Yeah. I don’t work for them, as much as I’d like to.”

“Oh, so this is about proving yourself, maybe getting your foot in the door?”

“No. I’m resigned to the fact I’m not going to work for Fort. I just really want to fix this issue. I have a friend who works there and it’s…” I shrug. “It’s causing him stress.”

We lock eyes for a second. Tristan inherently understands that I can’t say more and he doesn’t push. “Well, if I can’t figure it out, no one can.”

“That’s your reputation.”

There’s a knock at the door.

“That will be Parker,” Tristan says.

But she would be rung up by the doorman, I think. I’m pretty sure I’m going to open the door to Bennett. At least, I hope I will. I hope he’s come back. As much as I’m frustrated at the situation, about his choices around his identity, it doesn’t make me like him less. I’ve only known him a few weeks, but somehow, it feels like I had a Bennett-shaped hole in my heart and he’s slotted right in.

I pass Tristan his tea and go to the door. Bennett stands in the doorway, his hair disheveled, like he’s had a lot on his mind today. He just looks at me, his expression half sorrow, half pain.

“Hey,” I say.

“I’m sorry,” he replies.

“I got it,” Tristan says from behind us.

Bennett glances behind me and sees Tristan. He frowns, turning his attention back to me. His expression is anger, disappointment, and confusion all rolled into one. He’s jealous. He doesn’t know who Tristan is and he’s assumed the worst.

As if I could move on so quickly. We’ve not had conversations about tomorrow, let alone when I go back to England, but whatever happens, I could never just move on to the next guy like Bennett is nothing.

I reach for him at the same moment my buzzer goes.

“That will be Tristan’s wife,” I say, looking pointedly at Bennett. Without looking away from him, I call, “Tristan, Parker’s here.” I answer the buzz and instruct the doorman to let her up.

“Tristan, this is my friend.” I open the door to allow Bennett to introduce himself.

“Hi. Bennett Fordham.”

“Tristan Dubrow.” Tristan slips his laptop onto the table, stands, and they shake hands. Parker arrives a moment later.

After we’ve all greeted each other, and Parker and I exchange a couple of sentences about the Frick, Parker turns to Tristan. “Enough work. You’re taking me back to the hotel. I’m tired and I want a soak in the bath.”

Tristan snaps his laptop shut. “I got that number. Sent it by encrypted email.”

“You got the number?” I ask. If it matches Bennett’s, I’ll know for certain that’s how the hacker is getting in. A couple of hours with Tristan and I’m on the hacker’s heels. “That’s great,” I say.

“I’ll be in touch, Efa. We’ll speak. Or message me on Telegram.”

“I really appreciate it,” I say.

“No worries.”

Tristan and Parker leave Bennett and I on either side of the threshold to the flat, staring at each other. We stand in silence, our gazes locked, inches apart until the click of the elevator doors acts like some kind of “action” call in the movies.

“I’m sorry for being a jealous idiot,” he says, and I can’t help but soften at his confession.

“It’s okay,” I say. “I forgive you.”

“But who was that?” he asks. “One of your thirty-nine brothers-in-law?”

I narrow my eyes at him like I’m not amused by his joke, but it’s funny. I head back over to my laptop. I want to make sure nothing’s on display. Until I have unequivocal proof about what’s going on, I’m not going to say anything to Bennett about my suspicions, and I don’t want him finding out by accident.

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