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It’s a long shot, but I have little else to go on. I just don’t want to tell Bennett. I have a feeling he wouldn’t take it well. The only people who know he’s not looking at his phone during these Monday night get-togethers are his five friends—the ones he trusts with his life.

I don’t have to explain myself, because the door unlocks and a tall guy with geek glasses and long hair pushed back over his ears, opens the door.

“Wow, Bennett,” I say. “Your friends are hot.”

Bennett rolls his eyes. “Worth, this is Efa.”

I hold out my hand in formal greeting, but Worth pulls me in for a hug. “Delighted to meet the woman who keeps this guy on a leash.”

“Oh it’s the other way around,” I reply. “I’m always on all fours around him.”

Worth barks out a laugh and beckons us inside.

We’re shown downstairs to the basement. It’s got a bar area at one end and a huge screen on the other, with comfy-looking velvet chairs arranged in stadium rows. A couple of guys are gathered around the large black bar. The entire room has a moody vibe, and I don’t need to ask whether Worth’s married. He’s definitely a bachelor with décor like this.

We’re given drinks and I’m introduced to Jack and Fisher as we stand by the bar. They’re both hot, but if I have to put them in any kind of hotness order, which of course I do, I’d have to put Bennett at the top, with Worth coming up behind as a close second.

“Byron isn’t coming, so we’re just waiting for Leo,” Worth says.

“Waiting for Leo?” Bennett says. “When does that ever happen?” No doubt, that’s his new girlfriend’s fault. Bennett sounds like a jealous ex. I slide my hand into his, hoping it will calm him.

What’s his problem? Is it the change that’s the issue? Does he hate the idea that anybody could be added to these sacrosanct Monday nights? Does he not like sharing Leo’s attention?

“You’re from London, I hear,” Jack says, pulling my attention away from Bennett’s reaction. “It’s my favorite city. Particularly when Leo and Fisher are in New York.”

“Nothing beats it,” I say.

“Not even New York with this uptight asshole in it?” Jack asks, nodding at Bennett.

I laugh. “You’re saying that like it would improve New York’s chances. There’s a reason Bennett isn’t front and center of New York’s tourist board advertising campaign.”

Jack chuckles.

“I’m offended,” Bennett deadpans, and I can’t help but laugh at his sarcasm.

“Sounds like she’s gotten to know you pretty well,” Jack says.

“Oh hey—thanks for letting us stay at your beautiful place in the Catskills,” I say to Worth. “We had the best time.”

“No problem. I like to get up there as often as I can.”

“I told her that’s where you like to bury the bodies,” Bennett says.

“Great location,” I say. “Such a choice of burial sites.”

“Oh my god, you two are made for each other,” Jack says. “I’ve never met anyone with a sense of humor as dark as Bennett’s.”

I grin. “I have an older brother who was quite the emo in his day. Gallows humor doesn’t scare me.”

The doorbell goes and Worth moves away from our group to answer it. I wonder if I’m going to get the chance to disappear and run the tests I really want to while all these guys are together.

There’s something weird about the most recent attacks on Fort. I’m not sure Bennett’s team has picked up on the shift, but recently they have fallen into a fairly predictable pattern. They seem to escalate at the same time each week. And they get more aggressive each time, coming progressively closer to breaking through the firewalls.

It happens every seven days—although it doesn’t look like that at first. You have to dig deeper, but when you do, it’s clear the attack is on some kind of cycle—not unlike Bennett’s catch-up with his mates on Monday nights. I just want to flip open my laptop and see if there’s anything lurking, waiting to pounce on Bennett’s phone.

“What’s the time?” Jack asks. “Does this thing actually work?” He nods at the screen at the other end of the room. “Or is it there to look pretty?”

Worth comes through with two people who I assume are Leo and his girlfriend.

“It works,” Worth says. He’s clearly overheard Jack moaning. “Stop bitching.” He slips behind the bar.

“I’m Efa,” I say to Leo’s girlfriend. She’s beautiful—like, straight from a catwalk, legs for days, green eyes with extra-long lashes, and blonde hair that sweeps back like she’s in front of a wind machine.

“Hi.” She leans forward and air-kisses me on both cheeks. “I’m Nadia,” she says. “Leo’s girlfriend.”

“Let’s sit,” Bennett says. “You don’t want to watch sports, do you?” he asks me.

I know I’m here to keep Nadia out of Bennett’s way. And I’m happy to help. “Nadia and I can catch up by the bar,” I say. “As long as you have snacks, Worth? Tell me you have a bucketload of carbs for me.”

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