Page 61 of Forbidden Desire

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Ali withdrew her tongue, then plunged back inside of her, until Jo couldn’t control the urge anymore. She frantically bucked her hip up to Ali’s mouth. “Ali,” she gasped, bucking her hips harder. “Oh God.” She bore down and gasped, releasing a cry that echoed through the room and Ali crashed against her, excitedly taking in Jo’s juice from her orgasm.

Ali held onto Jo’s waist, steading her, allowing herself to go in deeper to gather it up. Jo closed her eyes, her breathing less erratic and waited until Ali moved up her body and to her lips. They kissed each other, both their hearts beating as one. Ali’s hand snaked around her neck, and her tongue moved in to caress Jo’s lower lip. As they made out, engulfed by the covers, Jo shifted her feet and slowly wrapped around Ali’s leg.

When they needed to catch their breaths, Ali fell down to her side and snuggled up against Jo, closed her eyes, and they drifted off to sleep. Jo felt like they had reached the point where every time they were together, intimately, their bond only got stronger. She wasn’t sure how long they were asleep in each other’s arms, but when she opened her eyes, Maverick had found his way down to the foot of the bed. He was resting comfortably, and she felt like he, too, knew how far their relationship had come.

“Hey, beautiful,” Ali whispered. Jo turned and saw Ali was grinning and staring at her. “What are you thinking?” she asked.

“How truly blessed I am.”

Ali smirked. “Correction, babe. How truly blessed we are.” She pulled herself up and moved in for another kiss. Jo held onto Ali’s arm as they kissed, the kiss lingering, drawing tension back to her core.

Jo parted from the kiss and Ali released a satisfied sigh. She moved back in, wrapping her arm around Jo as she held her. “The conversation with Matthew,” Jo started. “When are you going to tell me what that was all about?”

Ali pulled herself up and there was a deep-rooted grin in her eyes. “Let’s just say that the sky is truly our limit.” She winked and Jo opened her mouth, then laughed and shrugged. None of it really mattered because she did trust the woman that had her heart and her body. “So, when’s your lease up?” Ali asked.

Jo smirked. “Talk about changing the subject.” Ali grinned and shrugged. “Well, coincidentally, I was going to discuss that with you. It’s up at the end of the month.”

Ali smiled. “Impeccable timing. I was thinking that maybe it’s time to consider taking our relationship to the next step.”

“Are you asking me to move in with you?” Jo quirked up an eyebrow.

“Well, we could call it that. But I was thinking something even bigger.”

Jo frowned. The only thing bigger was marriage. Were they really going to dive headfirst into marriage? She then smiled. It wasn’t like she would turn down a proposal. She had never been happier and if marriage was something that they both wanted, then why not take that leap? But she also didn’t want to get ahead of herself.

“My place is not really suited for a dog lifestyle. And we have Maverick and there just might be another one on the way. If the feeling moves us both.”

Jo would have never turned down getting another dog, so it would be something that she would eagerly attach her attention to.

“But I started looking at places and there’s a cute house up North. Large fenced-in backyard. It’s right across the street from the dog park.” She shrugged. “Thought maybe we could look at making a big purchase together. What do you say?”

“I say yes!” Jo wrapped her arms around Ali, and they hugged. Ali laughed as Jo fell on top of her and the embrace took over with Jo straddling Ali and pulling back from the hug. “Absolutely!” She moved in and they kissed one another, Ali’s hands lazily lingering on her back. What better step to take on their journey.

Will Ali get the Golden Retriever she’s always wanted? Also, what secret is Ali holding onto? It will all be revealed in the Epilogue. Click here to get all your questions answered!


Ali brought a box into the living room and sat it down against a wall, then sat on top of it and looked around the living room. There wasn’t any furniture yet, but that would all change as the moving vans started bringing in the furniture from Ali’s house. They had only to spend a month staying in her home before they could finally move into the two-bedroom flat across town. It was a month that was filled with not only preparations but love.

Jo entered the room, dropped a box next to the fireplace, and sighed. “And that was the last box from the car.” She walked over and moved in for a kiss. Ali graciously latched onto the kiss, sighing as she grabbed Jo’s hand and pulled her down, so she was seated on her lap.

“This place is all ours,” Ali said. “We made it, and I can’t wait to have so many memories with you here.” Ali brushed her hand against Jo’s cheek, pulling her into another kiss. “I love you so much, Johanna Vialdi.”

“And I love you,” Jo whispered as their lips parted. “But we’re not the only ones making memories.” She smirked as she stood up and reached for Ali’s hand. They walked down the hallway and through the kitchen to the backdoor. Jo grabbed the handle and opened the door, and they exited to their large back patio.

Maverick ran across the yard, bouncing as he ran. His tongue hung out as he giddily played in the grassy backyard. His health had greatly improved. With two rounds of blood transfusions and finally getting his medication regulated, he was down to only needing one capsule daily. It was a long process to get there, but even with the bills mounting, Ali and Jo felt it was imperative that they did whatever it took to help Maverick get through the health crisis. And Ali was more than willing to help out with the bills.

Jo wrapped her arm around Ali as the newest addition to the family, Barkley, ran around in circles, chasing Maverick around the backyard. He was a spitfire, and even though Ali expected to get a Golden Retriever, as she always considered, this two-year-old Beagle was the perfect dog to complete their home, at least for now. Maybe another day, she would get that Golden Retriever. The sky was the limit to what their family life would entail. Ali leaned in and kissed her cheek.

“Maverick and Barkley love the new home as much as we do.”

Jo looked over and grinned. “I would say you are right.” She turned back to them. “Boys, come here. Wanna eat?”

Both Barkley and Maverick turned and ran towards them, bouncing up to the porch like they had lived there their whole lives. Ali laughed, escorting them back into the kitchen to feed both dogs.

“Our bed should be delivered tomorrow. We might have to snuggle up in front of a fire tonight with a sleeping bag and two pillows.” Jo smirked as she leaned back against the counter. “I’m not complaining, though. It will be nice to spend our first night in our new home.”

“Absolutely agree!” Ali said. She moved over to the counter, then shrugged. “But we don’t have to spend it in front of a fire. Our body heat could do enough to warm us up, and I’m thinking this counter would be a nice place to have a little rendezvous.” She winked and moved in, kissing Jo’s open mouth.

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