Page 21 of Forbidden Desire

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Ali scoffed. “It doesn’t matter. I’m being silly. Things wouldn’t work out, as you have pointed out. My love life hasn’t exactly been stellar, and the hospital has strict policies.”

“Right,” Nolan replied. “So, that’s what it is, and that is how it shall be.”

Ali crossed her arms and leaned back in her seat. She saw May and Jo round the corner and head straight back for them, so she sat up and went back to eating her nachos. She would accept fate with where her cards were laid. There wasn’t exactly anything she could do to change things. And Jo had every right to flirt with whomever she wanted.

Jo sunk down into her chair and kept her eyes off Ali as she continued to eat her nachos. “I’m looking forward to seeing what skills your dad has taught you,” Ali replied.

“What?” Jo looked up, her eyes as big as marbles.

“In billiards. I mean, if you have been playing for that long, I’m sure you are good.” A cloud of relief washed over Jo, and she nodded but didn’t leave a response. By the time they finished eating, they were all ready to get up and try their hand at a game of pool.

“Teams?” May asked.

“Sounds good to me.” Jo quickly grabbed May’s arm and, holding it up, pointed to Nolan and Ali. “Us against you two.”

Ali was a tad disappointed, but she wouldn’t voice her opinion. “Flip a coin to see who goes first. Your call.”

“Heads,” Jo called. Ali flipped the coin, and it landed on heads.

“Your break.” She fell back against the wall and watched. Her heart hadn’t once stopped beating loudly in her ears. Was it her desires coming out or was she truly coming down with what Nolan had? Either way, she felt like she was about to be sick.

When Ali made her first shot, the balls broke, and she landed a stripe in the corner pocket. She high-fived May, and then May took a shot. It was clear who the professional of the two was. May didn’t get her ball to go in, leaving an opening for Ali. Ali took her shot and got in one of their balls, with Nolan following by getting another.” They high-fived one another, and she glanced over to see Jo shaking her head. She laughed as she turned to May, but then her gaze went to Ali’s.

Ali quickly went for another ball, and it flew into the pocket. “You’re going to run the table, aren’t you?” Jo commented, following it with a laugh.

Ali shrugged. “To be honest, we make sure to play at least once a week. Isn’t that right, Nolan?”

“At least,” he said.

“Carry on, then,” Jo replied, motioning for Nolan to continue. However, he missed the ball, leaving an opening for Jo. She posed and then took her shot. She made it and turned to May. May groaned.

“Maybe you should just do both our turns.”

Ali snickered. “Not quite how that works. Nice try, though.” May grimaced and grabbed the pool stick, then stood in her position and attempted to make the shot. But she missed. “You almost had it,” Ali cheered.

May rolled her eyes and mouthed sorry in Jo’s direction. Ali surveyed the balls, then settled on her path to victory. She made the shot, and that was the start of the end. Together, Nolan and Ali didn’t miss one shot, and they brought the win. Ali waved her hands in the air and turned to Nolan. He grinned and pulled her to him, planting a kiss on her lips. She laughed as the kiss ended, and she turned to Jo.

“Great game, you two,” Ali commented.

Jo cleared her throat. “I need fresh air.” She then rushed off and left the other three there, to gawk.

May sighed. “I guess what Jo thought was true.” The words were just above a mumble. Ali barely heard them until she focused on what May had spoken.

“Excuse me.”

May’s eyes widened. “Nothing. I need a beer.” She turned and hurried to the bar. Ali scrunched up her nose and looked over to Nolan. He shrugged, which was no help to Ali.

“I’ll be back,” Ali replied. She hadn’t seen which door Jo hurried out of, but she opted for the closest one. It had a porch that overlooked the back of the bar. With several tables set up out there for customers, Ali worried that there would be an audience. Instead, they were alone. “Good game,” Ali started. “I suppose I get a little competitive.”

Jo looked over her shoulder and shrugged. “You have every right to. I would be that way, as well.” She leaned back against the railing and stared at Ali. “Congrats on the win.”

“Thank you.” Ali moved in closer. “We could have been on a team, and then we would have both won.”

Jo smirked. “Well, I doubt Nolan would have liked that.” Jo spun on her heel, so she faced away from Ali. Ali focused on those words, but they didn’t make sense to her.” She moved in closer until she was standing next to Jo. So close that she could have reached out and touched her without even once thinking against it.

“I’m so confused,” Ali whispered.

“About what?” Jo looked over and stared at her. Ali allowed her eyes to dip to her lips. She just wanted to kiss her, see what it felt like, admire the way their lips caressed beneath the moonlight. It’d feel so right, no matter how wrong it’d be.

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