Page 18 of Forbidden Desire

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“No, not at all. Sorry, I rushed off like that. Don’t usually ditch out on people like that, but just wanted to make sure I didn’t bore you guys with my conversation.” She laughed, then leaned against the desk. “Thanks for encouraging me to eat lunch with you guys. It was nice.”

“I didn’t exactly encourage you,” Jo argued. She bit down on her tongue when Ali shifted her gaze. “I mean, it wasn’t like I forced you or anything. At least, I didn’t intend to.”

Ali shook her head. “Oh, of course not.” She grabbed the chart and pulled it to her chest. “I better get back to work.”

“Yeah, me too.” Jo mumbled. She sunk down in the chair and waited for Ali to leave before she looked up in her direction. She would have to do better if she wanted to convince herself that she didn’t have the hots for Ali. Her body was telling her something totally different.



Please tell me that you’re feeling better today.

Ali stared at her phone, wishing Nolan would just respond to her. She had texted him later the night before, but he hadn’t once replied. She attempted to call him, but the call went straight to voicemail. Now that it was the next day, she had gone all morning waiting to hear from him. She considered sneaking on to see if he had clocked in for his shift, but that seemed shady. If she wanted the promotion to fall in her lap, then she would have to refrain from anything that could cause termination.

Her phone dinged and she quickly looked down at it, to find his response.


Ugh…if only…

Ali sighed. If he wouldn’t get better independently, he needed to see a professional. As a nurse, he should be fully aware of the implications of not taking proper care of himself.


Nolan!! Get yourself to a doctor. Do I need to come take you myself???

She waited for his response, staring longingly at her phone. “Hey, Ali.”

Ali looked up, and she saw Jo. Jo gave a warm smile before taking a seat at the computer. She had her hair pulled up into a loose bun and applied a slight hint of makeup that shaded her cheeks, and Ali’s chest clenched. Jo would notice her gawking at her if she didn’t think quickly.

“Hey, Jo.” She quickly looked back at her phone. “Busy morning?”

“Pretty busy. You?”

Ali turned to find Jo leaning into the desk, almost anticipating what Ali had to say. Ali gave a curt nod. With no response coming from Nolan, she slipped her phone back into her pocket.

“I’ll be heading to lunch. Wanna join me? I hear there’s a potato bar down there today. Toppings as far as the eye can see. Sounds good.”

Jo’s eyes widened. “Works for me. Just have to do some quick documentation, and I’ll be yours.” Ali’s jaw dropped and Jo looked up. “I mean, I’ll be ready.”

“Of course.” Ali turned away; her cheeks felt flushed. The elevator doors opened, and she looked up to find Nolan stepping out of the opening. He snickered when he met Ali’s gaze. “Seriously? I thought I was going to have to go get you and bring you back to the hospital. You said you weren’t any better.”

He snickered. “Technically, I just said…if only…” He laughed. “A million times better.”

She playfully punched him in the stomach. He grimaced and pretended to fall over. She then pulled him into a hug.

“Gee, Ali,” he mumbled. “This type of public display of affection in the hospital isn’t allowed.”

She pushed him away, then elbowed him in the side. “I’m just glad you’re better. I was worried about you.”

“Awww shucks. You make a guy blush.”

Ali laughed and turned to the desk, where Jo’s eyes were zoned in on them. “Sorry about that,” Ali replied, pointing to Nolan. “You recall Nolan.”

“Of course,” Jo murmured. “I’m not going to be able to do lunch,” Jo quickly remarked. “I have a ton of work.” She got up from her chair and shrugged. “Some other time,” then she was off. Ali stared after her, then glanced over to Nolan.

“Is it something I said?” he asked.

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