Page 15 of Forbidden Desire

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As she got on the elevator, though, she spotted Ali hurrying towards her, before the door could get a chance to close. Jo sighed and relented to the fact that she was going to have to take the long ride downstairs with Ali. When the doors closed, she glanced over at her.

“What? Following me to the train station now? It’s not enough that you have your eyes on me 24/7, you have to see me out the door?” The elevator doors opened, releasing them from the tight quarters. Jo continued to walk, with Ali close on her heels.

“I’m only watching you, because you need to be watched,” Ali replied.

Jo stepped out into the cool air and twirled around to face her. “Says who? I proved myself when you thought I screwed up and gave the wrong dose. I was right, and you were wrong. That should have given you enough realization that I don’t have to be watched like I’m ready to do something wrong.”

“Well, we’ll agree to disagree. You already wrecked your career. I’m not about to let you wreck mine.”

Jo’s jaw dropped. “Wrecked my career? What are you talking about? People change hospitals all the time. That doesn’t wreck someone’s career.”

“It does when you kill someone,” Ali snapped.

Jo gawked in her direction. It didn’t make sense. Where did she get that kind of information? Someone was spreading rumors. While she didn’t really want to know who, it was awful that someone who worked with her would think something so terrible about her.

“That’s what you think I did?”

Ali stared her mouth agape. “That’s what I heard,” she snapped, then softened her gaze a bit. “Didn’t you?”

Jo looked down at the ground. She wanted to jump in a hole and never resurface. Ali continued to stare at her, though, waiting for her response. Either she could give it or run away and hope that nothing was ever spoken of the matter.

“I didn’t kill anyone. Not that you need to believe that, but it’s the truth.” Jo looked away from Ali as those days in the hospital came rushing back to her. “I left the hospital for unfair treatment. I was getting piled on the hours, working twelve-hour shifts with very little time off. I got overwhelmed and stressed, and ultimately, my body gave out. I collapsed before my shift, and getting out was the only way I could take care of myself.” She shook her head, her cheeks burning.

“I can relate,” Ali began. Jo arched an eyebrow. “The rumor mill can be vicious, and I’ve faced similar situations in the past. Not quite of the same caliber, but it was all still there. It’s never fun being on the other side. I’m sorry. I should have known not to believe everything you hear.”

“It’s alright. I mean, if I heard something like that, I would be cautious, too.”

“Yeah, but I should have talked to you about it first before making all sorts of assumptions.” Ali gave a weak smile. “My apologies.”

Jo nodded. “Accepted.” Before she knew it, she headed towards the train station, and Ali was right beside her. It wasn’t until they reached the station that Ali mentioned it.

“I don’t want you to think I’m stalking you or anything, but it’s late, and I thought maybe it would be in your best interest if I followed you.”

Jo shook her head. “I appreciate it.” Jo turned and looked back towards the direction of the hospital. “Of course, now you have to walk all the way back there alone.”

Ali snickered. “I have my pepper spray. I’ll be fine.”

The departure announcement came over the loudspeaker, and Jo moved towards the door. “I’ll be seeing you in a couple of days, then.”

Ali waved, then turned and walked back towards the hospital. Jo watched her for a moment before the final call came over the speaker. She turned and hurried onto the train, sinking into the closest empty seat she could find. She hadn’t talked to many people about what transpired at the hospital, but it felt good to have someone there to listen. She withdrew her phone from her pocket and pulled up Ali’s name.


I know I’m only supposed to use your number if I’m bleeding, but I wanted to thank you for tonight. I didn’t know how much I needed it.


I needed it, too.

Jo smiled and leaned back in her seat. Maybe their friendship could start to blossom now. Jo wouldn’t object to that.


Ali tapped her foot on the linoleum as the phone rang. “Pick up. Pick up,” she murmured between rings.

“Hey, you’ve reached Nolan. You know what you’re supposed to do, so do it.”

Ali hung up and pulled up the text messages.

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