Page 9 of Velvet Vengeance

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James shrugs. “That’s something you’re going to have to ask the little brainiacs you’ve just taken under your wing.”

“Great,” I mutter, rubbing my temples. “Now I’m responsible for a group of kid geniuses who’ve been on the run and hacking since they could type.”

“Yeah, don’t underestimate them, and don’t let them near any equipment unsupervised,“ James warns me before pointing out, “Look on the bright side. They could be useful.”

I sigh. “Yeah, if they don’t cause more trouble or aren’t some elaborate plant by whoever has them locked up here.”

We move out, herding the kids towards the waiting vehicles. Tilly glances back at me, a mixture of defiance and fear in her eyes.

“Don’t look so worried, kid,” Ren says reassuringly, carrying Tessa in his arms.”As long as you don’t do something idiotic, Andrey will keep you safe.”

She nods, but I can see the uncertainty and mistrust shining in her eyes. Tessa, on the other hand, has completely taken to Ren, much to Tilly’s irritation.

“Ren, can you call Doctor Kent along the way? I’d like him to give the kids a check-up,” I ask Ren, and he nods. “Especially Tessa’s foot.”

“We’re all clean. I promise you we aren’t diseased,” Tilly hisses. “And I’ve been taking care of Tessa’s foot.”

“We don’t have a car seat for you, Tessa, so I’m going to have to strap you in.” Ren gently puts the six-year-old in the car, ignoring Tilly’s sneer. These kids have been through hell, and it’s going to take more than just words to gain their trust.

As we drive away from the warehouse, I can’t help but wonder what the future holds for these young hackers and how they’ll fit into my world. But one thing is sure: they’re not just kids; they’re a new kind of asset, and I’ll make sure they’re protected.

My mind wanders to Isabella and the baby of mine she’s carrying. Anger mixes with worry as I check my phone, but there is still no news from Sasha, my best man for tracking people down.

Fuck! I just wish a lead as to where the dick Konstantin has taken Isabella would fall out of the sky and land in my lap. If only life were that fucking simple. I’m about to put my phone away when it rings. It’s Urie.

“Hello, Urie,” I bark into the receiver.

“Whoa, what crawled up your ass?” Urie answers.

“Just the usual shit!”

“What happened at the warehouse?” Urie asked.

“I’ll explain when we’re back,” I tell him. “Is that why you’re calling?”

“No.” Urie answers. “Are you nearly finished there?”

“We’re on our way back now, why?” My heartbeat escalates. “Is there news about my father?” That’s a stupid question, as my mother would’ve called me.

“As far as I’m aware, your father’s condition is still the same,” Urie tells me. “I’m calling to let you know you have a visitor, and I think you may want to get to your penthouse right away.”

“Who is it?”

“Konstantin Zhurkov.” Urie’s answer surprises me. “He says he needs your help.”

Chapter 3


I’ve been stuck in this room for two days after we were abducted from the bathrooms of the small mall on the outskirts of St. James-Assiniboia.

I have no idea where Stacy or Lev are, and I don’t know if Pavel is dead or alive. Fuck, I don’t have any idea where I am other than on some sort of estate.

I’ve rummaged in every part of this room, trying to find a way out. It’s a comfortable room with a king-size bed and a full bathroom with a jacuzzi bath. On the far side of the room, there’s a small seating area with a sofa and wingback chair around a fireplace.

The large windows let in a lot of light, and there’s a view of rolling lawns edged with what I think is a high electric fence with thick woods beyond it. There are bars on the windows. And even if there weren’t, I tried to open one, but it won’t budge as they are nailed shut. The room has air vents with a controlled airflow into the room, so I don’t suffocate.

I’m not strong enough to get the bars off the windows. But I had to try just in case I found a vulnerability in one of the bars. There wasn’t one, and they are too closely knit for me to try to squeeze through. There are also just vents in the bathroom and one small window high up on the wall.

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