Page 75 of Velvet Vengeance

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He turns and leaves, disappearing out of the hotel and leaving me with more questions than answers and not fucking knowing who to trust. I’m hoping with all my heart Lev isn’t the one that killed my father or Stacy—fuck, Stacy. What do I tell Isabella?

I pocket my knife, put the gun in my waistband, and pick up the burner, heading back to my room. I stop as I spot the same two men who had found us at the diner and Stansted. Fuck! I hit the elevator and rush up to our room. I get there and find Isabella walking out of the bathroom.

She jumps as I walk into the room and stop, feeling my cock instantly respond to her nakedness. I ignore it as I move to the duffel bag. “You need to get dressed.”

“Andrey?” Her brow creases. “Where have you been?”

“I’ll explain on the way,” I tell her. “Put clothes on, and we need to get out of here. Those PMCs have found us.”

“Seriously?” Her eyes widen and she grabs the clothes I hand her. “How did they find us?”

She doesn’t go to the bathroom this time. She just changes, and I feel warm inside. My eyes travel to her stomach. Fuck. I know what I have to do as the feeling hits me like a sledgehammer.

I take the mobile phones out of the bag and shove them in the dresser door. “Let’s go.” I hold my hand out to her, and she takes it. “We’ll need to go down the fire escape I tell her.”

Isabella nods and follows me.

“What time did you say the women’s shelter opens?”

“Nine,” Isabella replies, glancing over the shoulder as I navigate the fire escape. “There’s a small cafe across the road from the women’s shelter that makes a great breakfast.”

We move quickly, navigating the fire escape with a mix of urgency and caution. The cold metal of the steps bites through my shoes, but I ignore it, focusing on the task at hand. Isabella’s grip on my hand is tight, her breathing controlled yet quick.

We hit the ground and blend into the crowd as we make our way to the cafe across from the women’s shelter. The diner looks empty as we step in. The bell above the door chimes, and the warmth engulfs us.

A middle-aged woman with dark hair steps through the kitchen, her eyes widening with pleasure as she spots Isabella.

“Bella!” She smiles, rushing forward and hugging Isabella. “It’s been a while, kitten.”

“Martha,” Isabella turns. “It’s so good to see you.” She turns and introduces me. “This is…”

Maggie’s eyes instantly shine with mistrust. “Yes, a mutual friend of ours told us you were married.” She gives me a tight smile. “You must be Andrey Belov?”

Isabella frowns. “For fuck sake, Maggie.” Her eyes flare with anger as realization dawns on her. “Not you, too.” She shakes her head. “Please don’t tell me you’re one of my father’s mafia army.”

Maggie starts laughing, and I notice the big brutes looking through the serving window.

“Bratva!” I guess, and I see Isabella’s eyes widen.

She looks at Maggie questioningly.

“Sorry, sweetie,” Maggie nods and turns to Isabella. “Your grandmother has been very good to us.”

“So you were all helpful because of my grandmother?” I see the hurt flash in Isabella’s eyes.

Anger flares through me, and I want to rip the person’s head off that put that look in her eyes. But I control myself and know I’m outnumbered. Besides, I don’t hurt women, not even Bratva women, unless they shoot first.

“No.” Maggie shakes her head. “Sweetie, we’re all grateful to your grandmother for helping us get out of abusive relationships. When she told us that your father told her you wanted to build a shelter to protect abused women, we all volunteered.”

“Let’s go,” Isabella tells me. “I think we can wait in the alley next to the shelter.”

“Isabella.” Maggie steps in front of her. “Honey, please.” She indicates to a booth. “While we’re all grateful to your grandmother, you, little kitten, are the one to whom we’re loyal.” She glances across the street. “We really are women who needed a shelter like you built for us.”

“Isabella.” I put my hand on the small of her back. “I think we’re safer in here.”

Maggie’s eyes widen in alarm at my words. “What do you need to be safe from?”

Before Isabella can say anything, I answer.

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