Page 60 of The Kotov Duet

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“As far as I know, Klive Simpson was his only alias. However, maybe he is not even using it anymore,” I said, thinking out loud. “It is possible that he may be using another name.”

“Well, since none of us work for the CIA, I doubt that we’re going to be able to scan the entire state with identification software without ending up in federal prison for the rest of our natural lives,” Melor drawled out.

I raised my hand like an idiot, and my face turned an embarrassing red when all five male heads turned my way, various looks of incredulousness on their faces.

I was such an imbecile.

“Yes, vozlyublennaya?”

“Just hear me out-”

“No,” Maksim said, cutting me off. “Whatever you are thinking, unthink it, Samara.”

“That’s not fair,” I shot back. “You haven’t even heard my idea.”

Maksim Barychev crossed his arms over his massive chest, then stared at me like I was an errant child. “Let me guess; now that Nikel is aware that you’re important enough for our Pakhan to avenge, you’re thinking that you could be used as bait to lure him out in the open. Am I correct?”

Maksim had always been too smart for his own good.

“It’s a sound plan,” I argued.

“Are you out of your mind?” Bogdan blurted. “Are you a glutton for punishment or something?”

“Ha. Ha,” I deadpanned before adding, “Look, I’ve already been kidnapped by Louie once, so as long as Klive or Nikel or whatever is still out there, I’m not completely safe, am I? And neither is Masha if he’s aware that she’s my sister.” I glanced around at all five faces. “I have just as much stake in this as you guys do, if not more since I’m the one with the huge N carved in my goddamn leg.”

All the men winced, except for Avgust.

“Samara, we are not going to offer you up as a sacrifice,” Avgust finally stated. “As for Masha, she is protected around the clock, and if at any time we feel that her safety might be compromised, Gosha can support her financially, so that it isn’t necessary for her to work.”

“That’s your plan?” I huffed. “To turn us into kept women?”

“Watch yourself, Razh,” he warned. “We are in mixed company.”

Though my back straightened, I kept my mouth shut. Even though we were surrounded by his family only, it didn’t matter. Avgust Kotov was the Russian Bratva’s Pakhan, and that wasn’t a position that he put on every morning, then took off every night. It wasn’t a role that he was playing, nor was it a title that he hadn’t earned. Pakhan was who he was, and he’d been that man since we’d been kids. While he might grant me some leeway when we were alone, he wouldn’t hesitate to put me in my place in public, something that I knew very well.

With no one saying a word against their Pakhan, Avgust said, “My plan is to make you my wife, and with that title comes a lot of power, so you will be protected at all costs, Samara. The same will go for your sister because she will be my sister-in-law.”

It was on the tip of my tongue to remind him that I hadn’t agreed to marry him, but even I wasn’t stupid enough to push him right now. If nothing else, he’d shut me down to remind everyone of just who he was at the core of it all. Loving me was not going to weaken Avgust Kotov in any way, and I needed to remember that if I was going to survive whatever came next.

Being the smart man that he was, Maksim was able to read the room well. “I think that is all for right now,” he said. “We can continue this conversation when Samara isn’t out of her mind with lack of sleep and is no longer in pain.”

I shot him a look, to which he just winked at me, making my eyes well up. Maksim was supposed to hate me, and I had no idea why that was more comforting than a Maksim Barychev that cared.

“We will speak more on this later,” Avgust agreed. “We still have a lot that we need to process.”

Without another word, Maksim, Akim, Melor, and Bogdan walked out of Avgust’s office, leaving me to face his displeasure alone, and I knew for a fact that he was very displeased.

Chapter 39


As soon as the door shut behind Melor, I turned to the woman that was going to drive me into an early grave. “Have you lost your fucking mind?”

“What?” she asked, playing dumb.

“What is wrong with you, offering yourself up like that?” I spat.

“What? Do you think that I wanted to?” she squawked. “You think that I enjoy being tormented and abused? Because I don’t, Avgust.”

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