Page 56 of The Kotov Duet

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“And what point would that be?”

“After…after carving Nikel’s name on my body, he planned on dumping my dead corpse on your doorstep,” I finally confessed. “He said that it didn’t matter if I was just one of your many whores, the fact that you had just used me would be significant enough to prove to you and Maksim that he and Nikel were closer than you think.”

“Did he rape you, Samara?” he asked, the question a burning one on his tongue.

“He tried,” I admitted. “That’s how I was able to get free. Once he cut my binds, so that he could get me in a more…accessible position, I attacked.”

“Good girl,” he praised proudly.

I snorted after eating a spoonful of the soup. “I left the gun with my prints behind, Avgust. That’s hardly worth the recognition.”

“The gun, body, and entire house is being taken care of,” he informed me, surprising me once again. “Louie Manziel has become another missing person statistic as far as the world will be concerned.”

“What about Nikel?”

“Now that we know what he looks like, where he’s from, and what he’s doing here, he’ll be much easier to track,” he answered, and I had no doubt that they would succeed in hunting Nikel Ovchinnikov down.

Neither of us said anything as I finished eating, and I knew that the pain pills were probably going to knock me out again, but I wasn’t so stubborn that I couldn’t recognize that my body needed the rest. I wasn’t sure how much blood I’d lost, but it’d been enough. I was going to need food and rest if I had any hope of recuperating fast enough to get on with my life.

Done with the food, I pushed the tray back a bit, then looked over at Avgust. “Lochlan Murphy offered to take out my stitches when they were ready,” I told him needlessly. “Though I’ll have to go to him, it’s better than racking up a medical bill that I can’t afford to pay, and I don’t need anyone asking questions about why there’s a huge letter N carved into my leg.”

Avgust’s jaw ticked, and I knew that it was costing him to keep his temper in check. Granted, there could be a million reasons why he was pissed off this time, but his reasons always circled back to me, but I just couldn’t find it in me to care right now. In fact, I found myself in that particular mental state constantly these days.

“We have doctors of our own that can remove the stitches, Samara,” he finally replied. “There’s no need to bother the O’Briens.”

“It’s not a bother when he offered to help me,” I pointed out.

“Samara, you are not going back to the O’Briens, and that’s final,” he practically hissed.

“Fine,” I sighed, too tired to argue right now.

Doing his best to remain civil, he said, “I will work on getting all your stuff packed and delivered in the next couple of days, so that you will have everything that you need here.”

That had my back snapping straight.


His hazel eyes glittered as he prepared himself for the fight that I’d thought I didn’t have any energy for. “You heard me.”

“You’re not keeping me here, Avgust,” I told him.

“Oh, but I am, Razh,” he shot back.

“I’m not staying here,” I repeated. “I mean…I’m staying until I feel functional again, but that’s it.”

“I am not letting you leave here, Samara,” he stated like a man that was never challenged. “Viktor has been given his instructions.”

“You can’t keep me here,” I practically shouted.

Avgust stood up, and when he walked over to stare down at me, it was hard not to whither a bit. He looked exactly like a Russian Pakhan, and if he wanted to snap my neck in half, then he could. We both knew it, but I still couldn’t find myself to back down.

Backing down would ruin my life.

Chapter 37


I knew that she’d been through a lot, and it was unfair to take advantage of her tired and injured state, but I couldn’t allow her to believe that she wasn’t going to live here permanently from now on. Yeah, it’d basically be kidnapping, but that wasn’t anything that was going to keep me up at night. What would keep me up at night was knowing that she wasn’t in my bed.

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