Page 19 of The Kotov Duet

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The man hit me again, and this time, he hit me hard enough to make my left ear ring with pain. When he flipped me over on my stomach, I couldn’t stop the cries that erupted from my soul. I’d honestly believed that Avgust was just going to leave me in this cage to waste away. I’d never imagined that he’d chain me here to let his men rape me to no end.

“I’d knock her out if her screams didn’t sound so pretty,” Rurik taunted as his hands pulled at my jeans.

“Pakhan doesn’t approve of rape,” Vlad said, giving me some hope.

“It’s not rape if this is what she’s here for,” Rurik argued, making me fight him some more.

I knew that my only chance was to exploit Vlad’s doubts. “Please…please…don’t do this. Help me, Vlad!”

“You stupid bitch,” Rurik snarled before grabbing the back of my head by my hair, then slamming my skull into the concrete floor.

My vision started to go black, and all I could think about was how grateful I was that I wasn’t going to have to be awake for this.

Chapter 13


It was past one in the morning, but I wasn’t tired. The adrenaline from seeing Samara again was still coursing through my veins, and I knew that it’d be a while before I’d be able to fall asleep. Thankfully, I was used to keeping odd hours, so it wasn’t that much of a hardship.

When the door to my office opened, I wasn’t surprised. Like me, Maksim also always chose business before sleep, and we still had other things to attend to.

“What now?”

“Erica has agreed to go to rehab,” he announced. “Jewelle has taken her, and she will be monitoring her progress.”

Jewelle was one of our seasoned working girls, and she’d always been a woman of her word. She also had a past that would ensure that she’d never turn on us, so I wasn’t worried about her keeping any of Erica’s secrets. Jewelle had been sold by her father at the tender age of twelve, and after enduring horrible abuse for years, one of our torpedoes, Orlyn Dmitrieva, had found her at death’s door behind one of our gambling clubs. He’d taken one look at her, had ordered our doctor to save her, then after a year of her healing as best she could, we’d given her the option to work for us. She had quickly agreed, finally being able to take some control of her life, and while all of our girls were allowed to choose their customers, Jewelle was the only one that didn’t have a quota to meet. She could sleep with a thousand men in a year or only one; we didn’t care. The arrangement was also beneficial to both sides, as Jewelle’s loyalty was just as cemented as any member of the bratva.

“What does Dascha have to say about all this?”

“Apparently, Erica went to Jewelle before we could even ask Dascha his thoughts on her,” he answered.

“If she messes up again, I want her gone,” I instructed. “She will not get a third chance with us.”

“Of course,” he replied easily. “If she cannot appreciate this blessing for what it is, then she deserves to disappear.”

I walked over to the bar to make myself a drink. “What else has you here at this time of night, Maksim?”

“Aurelio Provenza sent me over a file on Artem Rostova,” he said, making my eyes slide his way.

“And you’re barely telling me this now?”

“Do not start shit with me,” Maksim retorted. “We both know that Samara Andreev is more important to you than Klive Simpson.”

I smirked as I went back to pouring my drink. “You’ve a valid point.”



“Morocco was able to find out that Artem Rostova was from Esso Village,” he informed me, his voice telling me everything.

With my drink forgotten, I looked over at him. “Is that not where your family is from?”

Maksim nodded. “Yes.”

“Are we to believe that this is a coincidence?”

Again, Maksim had a very high IQ, and coupled with his common sense, he was pretty lethal when it came to logic and strategic planning. “No, we are not,” he answered. “After my parents passed, I found pictures of my father and grandparents visiting Esso.”

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