Page 16 of The Kotov Duet

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“Careful, Razh,” I warned her. “It is not just you and me here. Of course, I could always place your sister in there if you prefer.”

Samara lifted her chin, and her eyes quickly moistened with fury. Shooting me a look of absolute hate, with her back straight, I watched her as she walked over to step into the cage, and if she were anyone else, I might feel sorry for her. However, because she wasn’t anyone else, I was deriving more pleasure from this than I should be.

Once she was inside the cage, I jerked my chin towards Vlad, and no one said anything as he went inside the cage with her, then leaned down to fasten the chained cuff to her left leg. After making sure that it was secure, Vlad grabbed her purse off her shoulder, then exited the cage, leaving her glaring at all three of us.

Christ, she looked beautiful.

“Leave us,” I ordered, refusing to allow her to put herself in a position where I’d have to kill her in front of everyone. There’d be no satisfaction in killing her before any fun could be had.

Without a word, Maksim and Vlad left the room, even though I knew that Maksim was probably calling me all kinds of a fool in his head. The only reason that I wasn’t laying down the law with him was because he wasn’t wrong when it came to my feelings for Samara. I was always going to love her, but because I could acknowledge that truth, my feelings for her weren’t a weakness. In fact, they were actually a strength that I was going to use to make her life a living hell.

As soon as we were left alone in the room, I said, “I know that you might feel as if you are entitled to something more than this because of our past, but you are not, Samara. I owe you nothing, and you’d do well not to expect anything from me.”

“Not even a bed?” she retorted scathingly.

“Not even a bed,” I echoed. “You are not a guest here, Samara. You are here because you chose to sacrifice yourself for your sister, and it was a choice, whether you want to admit it or not. The moment that your life becomes more important to you than your sister’s, you’ve only to tell me, and then I will release you. However, know that Masha will take your place inside that cage.”

“So, what’s the plan?” she snapped. “To starve me to death in here?”

“No,” I answered as I slipped my hands in my pockets. “There’d be no fun in that. So, you will be fed accordingly by the guard that I assign you. Also, you needn’t fear any harm from them.”

“What about a bathroom?” she asked, ignoring my assurance about her safety.

“What about it?”

Her face turned red with humiliation, but she was going to have to learn to let go of her pride soon enough. She was here as punishment for her sister’s crimes, plus the decisions that she’d made all those years ago. This was not a vacation for her, and things were only going to get worse from here on out.

“How am I expected to go to the bathroom, Avgust?”

“Pick a corner, Samara,” I retorted. “I don’t particularly care which one.”

“You’re a bastard,” she choked out, anger making it impossible for her to speak clearly.

“Baby, how do you think I got this way?” I sneered. “Do not be upset because you are being forced to deal with the monster that you created. Again, you chose to be here.”

“She’s my sister!” Samara yelled.

“Yes, she is,” I mused condescendingly.

Tears gathered in the corners of Samara’s eyes, but they weren’t enough to sway me in any way. Though I did love her, I’d spent the last fifteen years feeding my anger when it came to her, not the love that I had for her, so whatever affection that I felt for her had been weakened behind my resentment.

Still, it was one thing to humiliate her, it was another to allow any harm to come to her or allow her to believe that such a thing was possible. Samara was my toy, no one else’s. So, she was off-limits, something that would be made clear to everyone soon enough.

Taking in a calming breath, she asked, “How long are you going to keep me here?”

“How many more years does your sister have to live?” I drawled out.

Samara started shaking her head. “You can’t be serious.”

“Why not?” I challenged. “Why can I not be serious?”

“So, I’m just going to stay locked in this cage until I waste away?” she asked, sounding genuinely shocked.

“Or until you cannot stand it any further and end your own life,” I replied evenly.

“Can you please leave now?” she asked, her voice cold and a bit detached.

“Gladly,” I smirked before turning to leave her in peace.

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