Page 124 of The Kotov Duet

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“They’ve no choice but to call me Mrs. Kotov, but I really wouldn’t care if they called me by my first name,” she answered. “In fact, I’d prefer it if they did, but there are some battles that I have to let Avgust win.”

“It must be…different to be married to the head of the Russian Bratva,” I remarked, feeling wholly unsophisticated.

Her face softened. “You asked why I sent the guys away, and it was so that we’d have a chance to talk. I understand that you’re having...well, that you’re having some major doubts about Maksim.”

I let out a hollow laugh. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that you know, considering.”

“Katja, I know because I’m Avgust’s wife,” she quickly corrected. “I know because I needed to know everything that was happening with Nikel Ovchinnikov…or Klive Simpson as you knew him to be.”


“As the wife of the Pakhan, it’s good business for me to know everything,” she explained. “If something were to ever happen to Avgust, I’m safest by knowing everything that he knows.”

“Okay, that makes sense,” I agreed. “However, what’s the point of this? Why care what happens between me and Maksim?”

“Because I’ve been where you are, Katja,” she replied candidly. “I know what it’s like to be in love with a man that has betrayed everything that you’ve ever felt for him.”

“Oh, Mr. Kotov also had sex with you in front of rooms full of strangers,” I deadpanned.

“No,” she replied easily, ignoring my sarcasm. “He chained me to a room in one of their torture facilities, then left me there where one of his men tried to rape me.”

I could feel shame creep up my spine. Like most people, nothing ever happened until it happened to you, and I’d just fallen into that category. I was acting like worse things didn’t happen to other people all the time. I was acting like Maksim had owed me something, and he’d hadn’t. I’d been the one that had invaded his life, not the other way around. So, while what he’d done was unforgiveable, I wasn’t exactly without blame myself. After all, I had signed up to betray a member of the Russian Bratva, and the repercussions could have been a lot worse.

“If I didn’t have feelings for him, this would be so much easier to deal with,” I admitted.

“Feelings are the messiest things around,” she agreed. “However, I’ve known Maksim Barychev since I was a teenager, Katja. So, I can tell you that he will never let you go. A man like Maksim doesn’t love easily, and I’m pretty sure that Akim and his two nephews are the only other people that he’s ever loved.”

That had my brow furrowing. “What about his friendship with-”

Samara put her hand up to stop me. “Maksim’s relationships with the bratva are about loyalty, Katja. In fact, most everyone’s relationships within the organization are about loyalty. That’s the foundation upon which the bratva was built upon. Now, while I’m sure that Maksim has some love for Avgust as they’ve been best friends since before I’d met either of them, loyalty is what keeps him by Avgust’s side, not love.”

“So, what are you saying?”

Her face softened again. “I’m saying that you need to find a way to work through your feelings of resentment towards Maksim, or else you’re just going to end up miserable. Maksim is not going to let you go, and even if he was willing to do so, you’d never be safe.”

“I could always move,” I told her, repeating the same thing that I’d said to Maksim.

“You could,” she quietly agreed. “Or you could stay here, work things out with Maksim, and get the best care possible for your grandfather.” She must have noticed the look on my face, because she quickly added, “I’m not trying to manipulate you, Katja. I’m actually trying to help you. If you didn’t care about Maksim, then I’d tell you to run and never look back. However, since you do, I’m advising you to save yourself the hell that he’s going to bring to your doorstep until you can’t take it anymore.”

I started laughing until the laughter turned into tears.

Chapter 39


I wasn’t sure what had been said between Katja and Samara, but when Avgust and I had returned from getting dinner, it’d been clear that Katja had been crying. However, since neither woman had remarked on it, Avgust and I had been wise enough not to mention it.

After dinner, Avgust and Samara had taken their leave, and that’s when I had called Dr. Seaport over to check on Katja. Though it’d only been a few hours, I wasn’t going to take any chances with her life, and I’d also made it clear to Dr. Seaport that Katja was his main priority for the time being.

So, now that everyone was gone, and Katja was back in bed, it was time to finish our conversation, though I knew that it was the last thing that she wanted to do. Nevertheless, it needed to be done, and I didn’t want to wait any longer. Though she didn’t know it, I had sent her grandfather a text from her phone, stating that she had a late work call and for him not to wait up. I had also spoken with Artur, and he had assured me that Mr. Antonov would be asleep before Katja ‘got home’ tonight. However, I wanted to speak to her grandfather as soon as possible, and it’d be better for all of us if she and I were on the same page when I did it. So, since I planned on speaking with him first thing in the morning, my conversation with Katja could no longer wait.

Assisting Katja into bed, when she was finally comfortable, I sat down next to her, then said, “While I understand that you must be tired, we cannot put this off any longer, Katja.”

“Put what off?” she asked stubbornly.

I shot her a look. “Our talk.”

“What’s to talk about?” she asked flippantly. “You make the rules, and I’m to follow them blindly. I’m not sure what all needs to be discussed about that.”

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