Page 119 of The Kotov Duet

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“I am…am not marrying you,” she said, her voice sounding stronger. “You’re…you’re out of your mind if…if you think that…that I’m going to marry you.”

“Oh, but you are, baby,” I informed her. “I have already emptied a room for your dedushka, and as soon as you are well, we can start interviewing real nurses for his care since he will be well guarded at the house.”

“You…you…you can’t do that,” she sputtered. “You can’t just…just take us like…like you’re adopting an animal from the shelter.”

“Baby, I love you,” I finally told her. “Maybe not in the way that you deserve, but I still love you, Katja.”

She started shaking her head. “That’s not fair. You…you can’t just say…say that to me.”

“Why not? It is true.”

“It’s not…not true,” she argued. “I don’t…don’t know why you’re saying it, but…but it’s not true.”

“It is,” I insisted. “It is, and I just need you to let me prove it to you.”

Fire flared in her eyes, and she didn’t care that Avgust could hear her when she spat, “How? By fucking me…me in a room full of people without my knowledge again?”

“As soon as we get home, I will explain that situation to you,” I promised her.

“Is your…your explanation going to undo it?” she asked, and my heart stopped beating when she closed her eyes, then let out a shuttered breath.


“We’re almost there,” he assured me, speeding as fast as he could without killing all three of us.

“Katja, I need you to look at me,” I told her. “I need you to keep your eyes open.”

“Why? So that you can keep…keep fighting with me?”

“So that I don’t lose you, baby,” I said, the words feeling like they were stuck in my throat. “I need you to keep looking at me so that I do not lose you.”

Katja let out a hollow laugh. “Joke’s on you, Maksim. I wasn’t lying when I said that I was pretty sure that I was dying. You just have to look at my blood-soaked jeans to know it.”

“You can lose up to thirty percent of your body’s blood before things begin to get serious,” I told her. “We are going to get you help before it gets beyond that.”

“Because the O’Briens are really going to help me?” she scoffed. “Highly unlikely.”

Because no one knew about our unspoken truce or the fact that Kasen Sartori was an evil mastermind, I could see why Katja would be hesitant to believe that the O’Briens would help us. If she wasn’t weak from so much blood loss, then she’d be questioning why I had called them in the first place.

“Katja, you heard me on the phone,” I reminded her. “I offered them whatever they wanted.”

Her brows furrowed a bit, and I immediately started panicking when she closed her eyes again. However, she opened them back up before I could begin to shake her. “You offered them your life.”

I gave her a tight nod. “I did.”

“Who serves themselves up to their enemy like that?” she muttered, more to herself than anything else.

“A man in love, baby,” I answered.

Before she could say anything to that, Avgust announced, “We are here.”

Chapter 36


I’d never met either Noah or Lochlan Murphy before, but when Maksim had carried me into a makeshift clinic, I’d been blown away by how blue their eyes were. They were this bright cerulean color, and their dark lashes made them look like they glowed. They were as hypnotizing as any witch’s gaze, and when they belonged on faces as gorgeous as theirs, the combination could really throw a girl for a loop.

At any rate, when we’d gotten here, Maksim had immediately placed me on a gurney, and Lochlan Murphy had introduced himself before quickly going to work. Maksim and Avgust had remained by the kitchen area, informing Noah Murphy of everything that had happened, and while this entire situation seemed weird when you considered that these men were supposed to be mortal enemies, I just couldn’t summon the energy to care.

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