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Hayden breaks into laughter as I curse him and hang up. He knows I’m not really pissed. I’d have needed a new PA when I got back anyway. Annabelle shook like a leaf in a breeze whenever I walked into the office.

“Come on, how was it? Did you at least get a kiss from Ed?”

Liv’s voice carries from the kitchen, and I slow my steps.

“You’re the one who’s just rolled in wearing last night’s clothes, and you want to know how my night went?” Ava giggles.

Liv responds with something I can’t hear as I walk into the room.

“Oh.” Her eyes widen as she looks at me in my shorts.

“Morning,” I say, walking past the table where they’re both sitting.

Ava’s eyes flick to mine, then away again just as fast.

“Morning,” she replies.

My father walks into the room and smiles brightly at the two women.

“Morning, ladies. Have fun last night?”

Liv chats with him, and Ava walks over to the coffee machine.

“Ava?” I move closer to her and lower my voice so only she can hear.

She continues preparing the coffee without looking at me. “Yes?”

“What’s wrong?”

She glances at me. “I don’t know what you mean.”

I rake my eyes over her furrowed brow and tense jaw while she grabs a spoon and drops it into the cup. If she stirs any harder, she’ll break it.

She hands the cup to my father, a smile spreading over her face as he takes it gratefully.

“Thank you, sweetheart.” He takes a sip. She’s made it exactly how he likes it and realization dawns on me that this isn’t the first time. How did I miss the fact she’s become so at ease around my father, like they’re friends?

“No problem.” She crosses her arms and leans against the counter.

“Back to the studies later, then?” he says to Liv.

She rolls her eyes. “My train’s at ten. Although I’d much rather stay here.”

“I bet you would.” My father chuckles as Liv’s attention is piqued by the sound of the lawnmower starting up outside. “Well, sweetheart, you’re welcome anytime you like. Come and give this one some company.” He tips his head toward Ava. “She only sees Margaret and my old face.”

I clear my throat.

“And Jet, of course.” My father smiles into his coffee. “Spend most of your time writing, don’t you?” he says to Ava.

“I’m trying.” Her eyes soften as he winks at her.

“You’re doing your father proud.”

Ava’s eyes mist at his words and she nods before busying herself with wiping down the counter.

My father drinks some more before setting his cup down. Liv bounces over to him, throwing her arms around his neck as she kisses his cheek. “Thankyou for having me. You’re amazing. If you were into younger women, I’d totally sleep with you.”

He laughs, then steps back. “I think the young man in the garden might have something to say about that. Safe travels back.” He smiles at the girls and then nods at me before he leaves the room.

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