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She frowns. “Sure.”

“In private,” I add, when she doesn’t move.

She sighs. “Fine. I’ll be back in a bit, guys.”

I catch the way she smiles at Ed, and I bite my tongue to prevent myself from firing David on the spot so he and his brother never step foot here again.

I gesture through the door, and she walks in first. My attention drops to her ass, my palm twitching with the urge to spank it hard for flirting with another man in front of me.

“What do you want?” She whirls to face me.

I close the door, keeping my voice low. “Why are you distracting David from his work?”

She laughs. “You’re unbelievable. I wanted to introduce Liv to him. I saw him drive in with Ed. They were picking up the ride-on mower. David needed Ed’s help.”

“Fuck the mower, we can get some sheep to cut the grass if it means Ed won’t be coming around again.”

Ava looks at me like I’ve sprouted wings and taken off.

“Since when were club recommendations part of David’sjob description?” I grit.

Ava scoffs, crossing her arms tightly. It pushes her breasts higher in her bikini, and I run my tongue over my teeth.

“Liv wants to go out. Ed offered to drive us all.”

“They’re goingwithyou?” I take a step closer. She tilts her chin up, glaring at me.

“So what if they are? I’m working with you. You don’t get to dictate what I do in my free time. You haven’t even given me any real work to do!” She throws her arms wide. “You’re chasing some guy around, who’s gone AWOL. So until you find out where he is and tell me where we’re going next, I can do whatever the hell I like.”

“You’re a guest in this house, in case you forgot,” I snap, stepping closer. She holds her ground, remaining rooted to the spot.

“Yes. For which I am eternally grateful toyour fatherfor.” She drops her arms, shaking her head as she goes to barge past me. “You’re such an asshole.”

I catch her opposite hip and hold her in place.

“Are you going to sleep with him?”


“The older brother who needs a haircut. Are you going to fuck him?”

“Oh my god. Would you listen to yourself?”

I am listening.I’m listening to my blood pounding in my ears at the thought of a man’s hands on her.

“Don’t,” I growl.

“Don’t what? Tell you how ridiculous you’re being? Tell you how inappropriate this conversation is?”

“Don’t have sex with him.” My hand flexes on her hip, and my gut settles a little as she allows it to stay there.

“We’re going out to have some drinks and a dance.To have fun. Not that you’d understand that.”

She’s so close I could claim her mouth if I lean in.

“Those things lead to sex, Ava.”

“Not always,” she snaps.

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