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“B-but… I thought he sent the script so she’d read it and see how amazing it was. And that after when she called, you agreed to proceed on your own accord. I thought you were okay with it. I swear!”

“I never agreed to anything. She had the signed contracts before I ever knew she’d even seen it.”

Mum squeezes her eyes shut, her shoulders trembling. The fact that I blamed Jet and never told her, means what she’s saying could be true. That she thought I’d made the decision myself to go ahead. But she still knew Mitch was sending my story to Ophelia to read. Something I’d never consented to.

Something occurs to me as she’s crying.

“The only copy of it is on my laptop.”

She opens her eyes, guilt swimming in them.

Nausea threatens to spill up from my stomach. “The password is your name… I’m such an idiot.”

“No, darling, you’re—”

“I can’t believe I never saw it. This is you all over. All these years your career has been more important to you. I made excuses for you. I told myself you were grieving, and that you had to leave. But really, I was holding you back from your selfish dreams of fame. I was never the child you wanted, was I? The love ofyour life has always been your career. It’s always been about you!

“Mitch might have forged my signature. But he couldn’t have done that if you hadn’t given him the script in the first place.” I press a hand to my mouth and swallow down the acid in my throat. “The sad thing is, I’d have given it to you if you’d just asked. If you’d explained how important it was to you. If you’d just told me, then I’d have let Ophelia read it. And I’d have signed production rights to her.

“Because as stupid as I feel admitting this now…. Being with you in LA has been like a dream come true. And working on it together has been incredible. But you’ve tainted every moment of our time together. Can’t you see that? I’ll never know if you did this for us, or for yourself. I’ve had you on a warped fucking pedestal for years. But enough of that shit, Mum. It’s time I woke the hell up.”

“Ava,” she gasps and then crumples into more sobs, pressing her hands over her face.

“I’ll never know, Mum. Can’t you understand that? You did what was right for you all those years ago.” My chest deflates and tears sting my eyes. “Maybe this was just you choosing yourself again,” I whisper.

“I thought it would bring us closer after all these years apart. I thought we’d do it together.” She hiccups, her whole body shaking as she cries. But I can’t bring myself to comfort her. I can barely look at her.

Gramps squeezes my hand and I look up into his kind eyes. “This is a lot to take in, love. What do you need?”


The look in his eyes is one of pity entwined with anger as they slide over to Mum. Maybe he sees the same broken woman she was after Dad died. One that chose herself over her daughter.

I’ve been so desperate not to lose her, too. Not to feel alone. I missed all the signs. Like Gramps downsizing his house so he could get me into the best school. Giving up traveling and staying home to be there for me whenever I needed him. The way he’d give me grace when I was sullen and moody for days after my mother returned to LA at the end of a visit. The times he’d sit up in the night with me because I’d had another nightmare.

He put me before himself.

My mother didn’t.

“I need to speak to Jet. He told me he was the one who sent my story to Ophelia. Why would he do that?”

“Why does anyone do anything that doesn’t make sense?” Mum says in a shaky voice.

Gramps squeezes my hand again as my chest tightens.

“We make our decisions out of love, darling. But sometimes, we get it all wrong.”

Chapter 37


I burst through therear door of Rochwell house, using the key Magnus gave me. The one I’ve forgotten to mail back. Maybe I was subconsciously holding on to it, unable to let go of this house and what it’s brought to me.The people it brought to me.


The heavy door swings closed behind me with an ominous thud. I stand still and listen.


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