Page 9 of Dating the Boss

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“Weirdest morning ever,” I mumble.

My weird morning gets… well, even weirder, not even an hour later. Josh and I are in his office, looking over contracts for a new client, when my phone dings with an incoming text.

“You should get that,” he says without even looking up.

I shoot him an odd look. He usually hates it when I’m on my phone. When we’re working, he wants all of my attention. Harmony swears it’s because he’s jealous. Lyra swears it’s because he’s a despot. I’m not sure which of them to believe anymore.

My phone dings again.

“Get the phone, sweet girl,” Josh says.

I pull it out of my pocket.


Hi, Lyric! This is your Fairy Godmother. You signed up for our dating service, and I have good news. We have a match for you!


And don’t worry! We want to offer our services on the house.

“Whoa,” I mutter, gaping at the text as my heart thuds against my breastbone. “That was fast.”

“What?” Josh asks.

“Um, it’s nothing,” I mumble, my cheeks heating at his question. Somehow, between yesterday and today, I’d forgotten all about entering that stupid contest. Now, I suddenly wish I hadn’t done it.

I flick a glance up at Josh, my lip caught between my teeth. He’s watching me out of the corner of his eye but quickly turns back to the contract when he notices me looking at him.


I’m not sure I’m interested. I’m pretty busy.

It’s only a partial lie. I am busy, but I actually have weekends off. Since today is Friday, I have nothing on my schedule all weekend.


Give us one chance. I promise you won’t regret it. If you still want to change your mind after you meet your match, you’ll never hear from us again. And he’s willing to meet you on your schedule.

I hesitate for a long moment. The truth is, I don’t want to date some other guy. The one I want is sitting right in front of me. He’s cranky and bossy, and sometimes, he’s sweet as hell. He’s the one I dream about. He’s the one I’m falling for even though I know I don’t stand a chance. He’s the one I want.

I decide to take a page out of Lyra’s book.

“Can I ask you something?” I blurt before I lose the nerve.

“Only if I get to ask you a question in return.”

“Ask yours first,” I say, suddenly curious about what he wants to know and admittedly stalling for time.

“Who’s texting you?”

“A dating service.”

“Ah.” Something unreadable flickers in his emerald eyes. “Spam or something you signed up for?”

“I won a contest,” I mutter, avoiding his gaze… and leaving out mention of the fact that I entered said contest. “And they have a match for me. But I’m not sure if I should go or not.”

“Why don’t you want to go?”

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