Page 6 of Dating the Boss

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Once the waitress walks away, he leans his elbows on the table. “Let me tell you a little secret about Silver Spoon Falls. The water has special properties.” As he explains, I wonder if I’ve stepped into the goddamn twilight zone. “Everyone in town knows the water is responsible for the insane number of happy couples in town.”

I give him a fake-ass smile and let him spew on about the town’s magical water. Once he finishes up, our food arrives. While we eat, I explain to him why I’m acting like a crazy man.

“I figured it was your new assistant causing you to act like a pussy-whipped idiot.” He smirks.

“Then why did you sit there and let me pour out my goddamn heart to you?” I slam my hand down on the table.

“I needed a little early morning entertainment.” He shrugs before the amused look slips off his face to be replaced with a very serious expression in the blink of an eye. “All joking aside. One of my brothers is Lyric’s cousin. I already have most of the information you’re looking for, and I can send over a report this afternoon.” I know his MC doesn’t take family lightly. “But first, I want to warn you. Make goddamn certain you don’t fuck her over or Hacker will make sure you suffer in ways you’ve never even heard of yet.”

“I’m not going to fuck her over. I’m going to marry her.” Those words should sound foreign coming from my mouth, but they don’t. They feel so fucking right.


“I also need you to do another job for me.” It suddenly hits me how I can make sure Lyric is safe.

“What now?” Giant sits back and waits for me to explain.

“She’s working two goddamn jobs, and I’m pretty sure she will tell me to go fuck myself if I insist on paying her more so she doesn’t have to work so hard.” He nods his head as if agreeing with me. “So, I want you to have one of your men follow her home at night until I can convince her that she no longer needs two jobs.”

“Good luck with that,” Giant mutters. “I’ll get someone set up to keep a discreet eye on her while you figure out how to pull a miracle out of your asshole.”

“Thank you,” I tell him as I pay for our breakfast.

“You can thank me by paying my hefty bill that just doubled,” he calls over his shoulder as he heads over to his truck.

“Why are you charging me so much if you already have the information?” I’m just giving him shit. We both know I’ll gladly pay any amount of money.

“For waking me up at the ass crack of dawn.” He has a point. “If it doesn’t hurt, you’ll never learn.”

“Asshole,” I mutter without heat, then get in my SUV and head to the office.

A few hours later, I’m sitting at my desk, pretending to work when Giant texts me.


I’m sending the email right now, and I have the private security detail set up for her starting tonight.


I appreciate your help.


You’ll be getting my bill. Let me know if you have any questions about the report.

I send a thumbs-up before logging in to my private email. I read the email and a clear picture of what I’m dealing with forms in my mind. Lyric’s resilience, her grace under pressure, and her courageous and selfless demeanor all cause me to fall even deeper in love with her.

A little note at the bottom of the report catches my eye. My woman entered a contest to win a year of matchmaking services.

Well, I’m going to make sure she not only wins the contest, but she’s going to win a date with an eligible bachelor who’s already crazy about her and will do anything to keep her. Me.



I arrive at work fifteen minutes early the following morning with a knot in my stomach, worried about how the day is going to play out. I never intended for Josh to find out about my job cleaning the office. I didn’t intend to confront him about watching me work, either. But when he asked what I was doing in that growly tone, my temper flared, and I just couldn’t help myself.

He lied to me.

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