Page 13 of Dating the Boss

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“Everything okay, sweet girl?” Josh asks, glancing at me from the driver’s seat of his SUV, one brow arched.

“Fine,” I mumble, shoving my phone back into my purse. “My sister is just a nosy, crazy person.”

“Ah.” His lips curve into a grin. “I’ve heard that about sisters. I’m guessing she has questions about me?”

“Only two thousand or so.” I eye him sideways. “Fair warning, but she isn’t your biggest fan right now. I may or may not have told her how cranky you are. Lyra is… protective.”

“Fair enough.” He chuckles, reaching for my hand. His fingers link with mine on my lap. “I hope she gives me a chance to win her over.”

“Maybe. I make no promises.”

“I’ll just have to work hard to earn her trust then.”

“She can be a savage.”

“I’m up to the challenge.” He pulls my hand across the console, brushing his lips across my knuckles. “If you’re trying to scare me off, it’s not going to work, baby. I’m not going anywhere.”

My heart flutters at his promise and the conviction in his voice when he delivers it. I think he means it. But my head is still swimming. This isn’t how I expected my night to go at all. When I left his office this morning, my heart was in pieces on the floor. I spent all day avoiding him, trying to accept the fact that he and I were never going to happen.

Stepping into the private dining room at the steakhouse to find him standing there was the last thing I expected. At first, I thought maybe it was some sort of joke, just one more way for him to break my heart. But I’m pretty sure he meant every word he said. He’s been acting like a crazy person because he’s been falling for me, too.

We’ve both been slowly unraveling at the seams, and neither of us has handled it very well. I guess that happens when you fall for the one person you shouldn’t. But we’re both tired of pretending it isn’t happening. We’re tired of fighting it and pretending we aren’t slowly going crazy.

I know I am.

If he’s done fighting, so am I. But I am nervous.

Going to his place was my idea, but I’ve never done anything like this before. I don’t know the first thing about being seductive or sleeping with a man. I’m running on pure lust and adrenaline. And I’m nervous as hell that I’m going to get it all wrong and mess this up before we even begin.

“Can I tell you something?” I whisper as we pull into his driveway. I glance out at his house—a beautiful Tudor-style mansion that could easily fit five of my houses in it.

“Anything,” he says, killing the engine and turning slightly to face me.

“I’m nervous.” I exhale a breath. “I don’t want to mess this up, Josh. What if…” I lick my lips. “What if we do this and everything gets ruined?”

“Sweet girl.” He unlatches his belt and then reaches for mine, hitting the dome light in the process, which floods the SUV with light. “Come here.” His hands are unyielding around my waist as he lifts me out of my seat, hauling me across the console as if I weigh nothing.

I land on his lap with a shiver, wedged between his hard body and the steering wheel. His hand curves around my jaw, tilting my head back until my eyes meet his.

“You feel how hard I am for you right now, Lyric?” he asks, his gaze piercing into mine as he places my palm flat against his chest. “You feel how wildly my heart is beating for you, sweet girl?”

“Y-yes,” I whisper. His erection is wedged between my cheeks, so damn thick and hard. God, he’s massive. And his heart pounds like a jackhammer against my palm, jolting as if it's trying to beat its way free of his chest.

“This is how I feel every day,” he growls. “This is what you do to me every single time I see you.” His lips touch mine in a soft kiss. “You think getting my hands on you is going to change that? You think knowing you’re mine every day is going to make me want you less? No, baby. The only thing it’s going to do is make me even more fucking crazy about you.”

“Josh,” I whimper, overwhelmed. He’s being far too sweet again, and I love it so much. But I don’t want sweet right now. I want him—all of him. I need to feel him, be consumed by him. “Kiss me.”

His eyes darken, dropping to my mouth. “Fuck,” he groans, tugging me forward to slant his mouth down on mine. His tongue dances along the seam of my lips, demanding entry.

I open for him with a gasp, only to gasp again when his tongue slides against mine. He doesn’t kiss me like he did in the restaurant—slow and sweet. He devours me as if he’s been dying to kiss me this way for weeks. My hands fly to his shoulders, clinging to him as he ruins me for any other kiss, for any other man.

“Josh,” I moan, heat rushing through me in a wave as he breaks from my lips to kiss a trail down my throat. My head falls back, granting him access. I dig my nails into his broad shoulders, tugging at the silk of his shirt, silently pleading for more. His scruff feels amazing against my skin.

“Spread those perfect legs for me, Lyric,” he grunts, running his hands all over my body. One pinches my right nipple through my dress. The other squeezes my ass. “Straddle my lap.”

I scramble to obey, willing to give him anything at this point. I don’t care if we’re in his driveway or the middle of the parking lot at work. So long as he keeps touching me and kissing me, nothing else matters. He yanks my dress up when it tangles around my legs. The fabric tears, but I don’t care about that, either.

“Shit. I’ll buy you a new one.”

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