Page 1 of Dating the Boss

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"Lyric! I need those files!"

I sigh, massaging my temples as my boss, Josh Brunts, growls at me from his office… again. The man has exactly two settings: cranky and extra cranky. I guess his switch got stuck on extra cranky today. We've been at work for half an hour, and he's already growling. Which means the rest of my day is going to be just wonderful.

The man is gorgeous—insanely so, as a matter of fact. With smoldering emerald eyes, full, kissable lips, a day's worth of scruff on his razor-sharp jaw, and a broad, brawny body I want to climb, he looks more like he should be chopping wood shirtless than sitting behind a desk all day.

When I started here two weeks ago, I nearly fell on my face when I saw him. And then he opened his mouth and ruined the whole perception. It's been all downhill from there. He spends most of every day growling at me for one thing or another. And when he isn't growling, he's glowering. Every time his eyes narrow on me, the little scar on his forehead puckers slightly. It drives me crazy.

I should not find it so attractive. I should not find him so attractive. And yet… I'm apparently a glutton for punishment because the infuriating man and that little scar haunt my fantasies.

If I didn't need this job so badly, and if he didn't pay me so well, I'd tell him to go fly a kite. But he's a billionaire, or a millionaire, or whichever one means that he has more money than God. And I'm not. I need this job… and my cleaning job.

My youngest sister, Melody’s school, doesn’t pay for itself. She’s a freaking dance prodigy. Plus, we just moved to Silver Spoon Falls with our other two sisters, and in a town of billionaires, the cost of living is ridiculous.

But it’s worth it. Our cousin who lives here, Finn Taylor, connected Melody with an instructor in town, someone who is able to get her to the next level. And we wanted to be closer to him. He was adopted when he was a baby, so we never got to know him. His birth mom—our aunt—died a long time ago. But he recently tracked us down.

Now, he's stuck with us. His adopted family wasn't the best, and my sisters and I want him to know what it's like to have family that cares. So, we packed up and moved from Dallas to be closer to him.

"Be right there!" I call, imbuing my voice with as much pure sugar as I can. I glance at my profile for the dating service, my stomach fluttering with nerves. The matchmaking service in town is holding some sort of contest for new sign-ups. The winner gets a year of services for free.

A matchmaking service isn’t something I ever thought I’d try, but you only live once, right? At least, that's what my twin sister, Lyra, keeps telling me. I'm not entirely convinced she's right. But I'm twenty-four, new in town, and men aren't exactly lining up outside my door. A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do to get her hot, cranky boss out of her dreams. Especially when said hot, cranky boss hates her.

Before I can talk myself out of submitting my information, I quickly hit the button to send it over. It’s not like I’m going to win anyway.

I scurry up from my chair before Josh can yell again, smoothing my skirt over my curvy hips. My stomach flutters again, but I ignore it as I scoop up the files he needs, take a deep breath, and head toward his office.

My heels click against the porcelain tiles with each step.

I pause outside Josh’s door and take another breath, fighting the urge to groan as his spicy scent wraps around me. I swear, the entire office smells like him. I go home every day drenched in his scent and my own arousal. It’s ridiculous!

The man can’t stand the sight of me. But by the end of every day, my panties are soaked because of him.

If I don’t get over this insane crush soon, I’m going to lose my mind. I need this job far too badly to risk it by falling for him.

“There you are,” he growls, glancing up from his computer. His green eyes snap to mine, pinning me in place. For a minute, I get lost. I forget how to breathe. I just stand there like a freaking deer in the headlights, staring at him.

And then that little scar puckers.

“Here!” I blurt, stumbling forward a step. “Your files.” I practically trip over my own two feet as I rush forward, dropping them onto his desk.

One dark brow shoots upward as the thick folders hit the hard wood with a heavy thump.

“Sorry.” I grimace, feeling like a freaking teenager instead of a college-educated career woman. It’s his fault. He gives me butterflies. “Crazy morning.”

Josh grunts, his eyes still locked on my face. “You were late.”

“I was…”

His lips compress.

“Ten minutes,” I mutter, irritation spiking. Why do I find him so attractive when he’s so freaking grumpy? It’s a mystery I have yet to solve. And yet… I get myself off to fantasies of him growling at me every dang night. “I was ten minutes late, Mr. Brunts.”

“Josh,” he corrects. “And I wasn’t getting onto you. I was asking a question, Lyric.”

“Huh. I guess I missed that part.” I bite my lip as soon as the snarky response flies from my mouth, but it doesn’t piss him off. His lips twitch in amusement.

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