Page 4 of Little Red

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Everything stops. My entire body starts trembling, and I begin backing away from the counter.

He must see the fear on my face because he rushes to say, “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.”

I know I shouldn’t trust him, but the gentle way he’s addressing me makes me want to know more.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I lie, straightening up my apron.

He leans back. “Okay. I must have you mistaken for someone else. Here.” He slides a card and a piece of paper along the counter toward me.

Not this again.

I want to forget that night. I never opened the folded piece of paper, yet I didn’t throw it out either. I put it in a box in the back of my closet and never opened it again.

“Um...thanks. I don’t need this, though.” I push it back to him as he’s about to walk away.

He smiles, and that smile does things to my insides. “One day, you’ll need to know my name. A storm is coming, and you aren’t prepared. I suggest you figure out the puzzle. Go to the woods. There you will find your answers.”

My brows furrow in confusion. Are we speaking in riddles now? “Look, I’m sorry. I don’t know who you think I am, but I think you have me mistaken for someone else.” I place my hands on my hips, and thankfully, the chef calls out orders that need to go to my tables. “I have to get back to work. If you’ll excuse me.”

I turn to grab the plates when there’s a light touch on my arm. I spin at the electrifying current pulsing through me. “Take this. You’ll need it.” He holds out the paper and card, and I snatch them from his hand, shoving them into my apron pocket. Then I turn my back to him, my heart racing.

My past is catching up with me. I still don’t know why I was targeted that night, and to this day, I remember the man’s words so clearly.

“Her family broke the rules...she must die.”

As far as I’m aware, my parents left me at a hospital when I was younger, and I bounced from home to home until I was eighteen. I’ve had such a glamorous lifestyle that nearly ended in me getting killed for something I know nothing about.

Now, here I am at twenty-six, almost buried alive, and this guy is being all cryptic about the event in question.

After delivering the plates that were piling up, the two men’s orders arrive. I don’t want to go over there and be under their watchful eyes again.

Begrudgingly, I pick up the plates and take them to their table. “Miss, you forgot the coffees,” the scary man says in a tone that suggests I am a useless waitress who should do her job better.

“Sorry. I’ll get those for you now.” I race off and get their drinks.

They dig into their meals as I walk away, but I keep turning back, staring, and the guy who spoke to me keeps looking my way. There’s a kindness in his gaze but also a strength that frightens me.

I dig into my apron and pull out the card he gave me.

Hunter Wolfe.


My head spins as I take in the name printed on the card I hold in my shaky hand. Was it the Wolfe family that tried to kill me six months ago? But he also saved my life, so I’m even more confused now.

My stomach churns at all the mixed thoughts. What could my family have possibly done to him for them to want to kill me?

I glance up at the man who gave me the card. Hunter. His dark eyes are on me, but his friend is more interested in the food on his plate. Something smashes behind me, and I jump, snapping me out of the trance Hunter seems to have put me under.

“Aelina, can you stop just standing there and do your job?” my boss snaps.

I manage to gather my thoughts. Right, coffees.

I straighten my back and take the hot drinks to them, placing them on their table. “Sorry about the wait. Enjoy your meals.” With a smile, I walk away.

A part of me thinks I should be scared, but I don’t want to acknowledge it. The other part is intrigued.

What does Hunter want with me, and why does he seem so interested?

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