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But Kenneth did a lot more to me than just rescuing me from his son’s nonsense. A lot more, and I was ready and willing to accept all of it and more.

Sitting up in bed, I clutch my pillow to myself, pulling my knees to my chest and screaming into the pillow. What the heck is wrong with me? Who even am I anymore? Certainly, I can’t be Kasey Mulligan because she would never let Devin's dad finger her pressed up against her hotel door.

My face goes hot at the thought, as well as other parts of me that I’m trying oh-so-hard to ignore. What happened can’t happen again…can it? We’re both adults, even if he is quite a bit older than me, and technically I’m single, so logically, there’s nothing wrong with it. Morally is a different story, but isn’t Devin the one responsible for starting this mess?

We’d only been dating for six months, but like me, he had been an up-and-comer at his job, and I thought we were both focused on the same things in life. Until it became more and more clear that his real focus was actually getting into my pants, not having something real with me.

I just wish he had the class to dump me before flying me all the way out to freaking Hawaii, but I guess he must have imagined the romantic aura of the place would have loosened my legs up for him. Ugh. What a pig.

I thought I would be heartbroken, but instead, I'm furious. How could he do this to me? I thought he was different, that he was the one. I wanted to believe in our future together, but he shattered my dreams in one fell swoop. And to make matters worse, I had accidentally broken a piece of the resort's art in my emotional distress. I couldn't believe how foolish I had been, and I was mortified at the thought of how it must have looked.

If it hadn’t been for Kenneth, I’d probably be pulling money out of my savings to fly home right about now. Instead, my vacation is now going to be even more relaxing and luxurious, and if Kenneth has his way, it won’t be lonely either.

That’s right, I think. You have a breakfast date. Time to get up and stop pouting.

And then, there was the moment when he led me outside to the patio, away from the prying eyes of the other guests.

"Take a deep breath, Kasey," he had said to me, his deep baritone voice more calming than any mere breath could ever dream of being.

I was embarrassed by my tears but also relieved to have someone there to comfort me. And then, he had taken my hand and we danced. The music was slow and romantic, and I remember feeling a spark between us like I had never felt before.

A shiver ran down my spine as he leaned in closer to me. Our faces were only inches apart, and I could feel his warm breath on my skin. It was then that I knew I was in trouble. The way his eyes bore into mine, as if he could see straight into my soul…the way his touch ignited something within me… Kenneth inspired a feeling of connection that I've never felt before. And when we danced, it was like the rest of the world faded away. It was just me and him, lost in the music and the moment.

That memory makes me smile.

Still clutching the pillow to my chest, the previous night's events replay in my mind, and I can't help but feel a mixture of fear and giddiness. Then, as my stroll down memory lane gets to the point in the previous night where he kissed me, his lips both soft and commanding at the same time, a need unlike any other I’ve ever felt eclipses all other feelings that I may be having.

I felt a connection with him as soon as we locked eyes across the gala before I even knew who he was. It felt like fate, like a live wire was joining us together from that moment forward. The entire night, I had a hard time paying attention to Devin and ignoring how much I wanted to be with the tall, mysterious stranger across the room.

As soon as Devin introduced us, I knew I was in trouble, but I lied to myself over and over again that it was just a silly little crush. Maybe even a little bit of jet lag. But no, dancing with Kenneth, kissing him, feeling his own desire for me in return when he pressed up against me…there’s no denying that something is going on.

Feeling the rough pads of his fingers between my legs, finding my clit with expert precision, and making me feel more pleasure than I thought possible seems so unbelievable in the light of day that I can almost write it off as a fantasy, or at worst, a mistake that I can sweep under the rug and run away from, but… I don’t want to. I want more, and I don’t want to second guess anything either.

What if I mess this up? I wonder to myself. What if he doesn't feel the same way about me?

I shake my head, trying to dispel the negative thoughts. But as I recall Kenneth's intense gaze and the way his hand felt on my waist, it sets off a bunch of butterflies in my stomach. It doesn’t help matters that he is absolutely gorgeous to look at. Well, gorgeous doesn’t seem like the right word…more like dangerously and ruggedly handsome.

At 6’5” with broad shoulders and a commanding presence, he has at least a foot on me, and he towered over everyone else at the gala. His suit was black on black, making him stand out even more among the more tropical colors that most people had chosen to wear, and it was tailored to fit him so perfectly that it’s almost obscene.

Kenneth’s salt-and-pepper hair is cropped short, bringing attention to his chiseled jawline, which is frankly, the stuff of dreams. I can't deny that I'm physically attracted to him, but it's more than that.

It's the way he makes me feel when I'm around him. Safe. Comfortable. Like I can be myself. I take a deep breath, just like he told me to do last night, and remind myself that I have nothing to lose. I've already lost Devin—good riddance, honestly—and maybe this is my chance at something real and true.

But now, sitting here in my plush bed, nerves start to creep in. I'm meeting Kenneth for breakfast in just an hour, and I don't know what to expect. Will the connection we felt last night still be there? Or was it just a fleeting moment?

I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I need to focus on getting ready, so I slip out of bed. Making my way to the bathroom, I almost laugh when I see the way my cheeks are still flushed, remembering the naughty things that had gone on last night.

Kenneth had me right there, on the verge of something incredible, before room service interrupted. Frustration from being denied had dulled into relief that things hadn’t gone further so soon, but now I can’t help but imagine what it would have felt like to come for him, my face buried in his neck. God, I need to get myself under control or I’m not even going to make it to breakfast.

When I step out of the shower, I hear someone knocking on my door, with a feminine voice calling, “Delivery!”

I open it, and one of the hotel employees, wearing a huge smile, hands me a bouquet of gorgeous yellow and orange flowers with a little note perched inside that reads, “Sorry I can’t be there to escort you to breakfast, Kasey. Had some business to attend to. Hopefully, these will make up for it, and I will be downstairs waiting on you right on time, promise. See you soon, baby girl. I’ll be at Island Bites, table 202. –Kenneth”

The first line had made my heart drop, making me think that he was calling off the breakfast date, but knowing that Kenneth is so thoughtful to reassure me with something like a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers instead of just a lame text makes me feel all bubbly inside.

I finish getting ready, slipping into a summery sundress and sandals before I grab my purse and make my way down to the restaurant, pulse racing with anticipation.

Kenneth is already seated at a table on the outdoor patio, looking every bit the CEO of a major investment firm with his crisp white shirt and tailored pants. He stands up as I approach, and I get these fuzzy feelings in my chest as he greets me with a warm smile. My eyes have gone wide at the sight of him. He's even more handsome in the daylight, with his piercing blue eyes and that confident smile.

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