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I'm good. He didn't catch me. Everything is fine.

Except, of course, for the fact that I'm in a freaking shower, hiding from my ex-boyfriend, legs still quivering from the orgasm his dad just gave me.

And I didn't even get to have my coffee.

As the water slowly warms, I can hear the two of them in the living room talking and flinch as the voices raise in clear argument. I guess Dean is still pissed that Brody left me last night, even if it meant he and I...


Made out a lot. And Dean went down on me. How am I ever going to live this down?

"FINE!" Brody screams loud enough for me to hear. "I'll go stay at a fucking hotel then! Should I even worry about coming back for dinner tomorrow?"

"Do whatever the fuck you want tomorrow." Dean's voice is cooler, more in control. "But for now, get your shit and get out of my house."

I listen, frozen, as the front door slams again. A few moments later, there's a knock on the bathroom door.

"Come on, princess," Dean calls. "You can't stay in there all day. Open the door."

"I will!" I call back. "In a minute."

He growls, and even though he can't see me, I flinch. I have a feeling that's a sound I will be getting used to. "Open. The. Door."

I will absolutely not open the door. "Um, actually, I was thinking..."

Dean’s voice cuts through the wooden door with ease. "You’re not going to pull back on me now, Delia.”

"No, that's not it, but...I think maybe it would be a good idea if I just stayed in the bathroom for a while. You know, like a timeout." I know I’m babbling, but he just doesn’t understand how much I need some space to process what just happened…and how much I want it to happen again.

He sounds skeptical. "A timeout?"

"Yeah, like, a punishment for being bad." I know I’m making no sense, but I’m exhausted and rattled from coming so hard I think I left my body for a moment.

There's silence, and I wonder if he's considering it. Then, a dark laugh sounds, and his footsteps fade away. Oh no.

Ten or so minutes later, I step out of the shower, dry off, and quickly get dressed before following him. Dean is sitting at the counter, a steaming cup of coffee in his hand, his steel gray eyes watching me intently. He’s dressed similar to yesterday, the insignia of the police department on his t-shirt and jeans, fitting him so perfectly it could bring a girl to tears.

"So…" I start.

"You thought you could just hide from me?" His voice is weirdly upbeat, especially coming from Dean.

"I..." My mouth feels so dry. I’ve never wanted a glass of water more in my life.

“Let’s start again.” Dean takes a long drink of his coffee and sighs. "Do you know why I call you 'princess'?"

I shake my head.

"Because you are. You're my princess, Delia. Mine. That means that when you're good, you're rewarded, and when you're bad..."

"When I'm bad, I'm punished." All of this seems so surreal. Didn’t I just meet this guy? And now I’m letting him call me his?


The bigger problem is, why am I okay with all of that?

He smiles. "Exactly. You're not a kid. You don't need a timeout. You need discipline. And you will get it, from now on, when you're not good."

My legs wobble, and I grip the counter to keep myself steady.

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