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Dad, please. Blair doesn't belong in an office. She's inexperienced, and she's been such an ice queen. Please get rid of her.

The words are like gasoline on the embers burning within me. My son thinks he can come here to my office and tell me who should work and who shouldn't. That he's trying to use me, his father, to control a situation where he clearly fucked up, is a slap in the face. And now he's going to start telling me who belongs and who doesn't?

Oh, hell no.

My son may be older than Blair, 24 to her 19, but he's a boy. He has no fucking idea what the world is really like, and he has no place dictating terms. And that goes double for his girlfriend.

Well, no. Not his girlfriend. My Blair. MINE.

I text back, Get your ass in my office, NOW.

No, Dad. I'm not coming to the office if you're just going to bitch at me about this.

I'm done playing around. The boy is in his twenties, and it's high time he learned some goddamn respect.

That's the third time you've disrespected me today, Tanner. Now, do I need to come down there and drag your ass up here, or are you going to walk like a man?

There's a pause. I'm on my way.

Apparently, public shame is still a powerful enough tool to get Tanner to fall in line. My blood is boiling. If he wasn't my son, I'd be giving him the ass-kicking of a lifetime right now.

I wait until he knocks on the door before telling him to come in. He's got a defiant look on his face, and I'm not going to stand for it.

"Have a seat," I command and he obeys. "I'm sure you're aware of why you're here."

He shrugs. "My ex-girlfriend is working for you, and I don't think she's qualified."

"Is that so?" I lean back in my leather office chair, raising an eyebrow. “Is that why or is it because she broke up with you?”

"The first one,” he insists. “She doesn't know what she's doing."

The thing is, Blair has been a great worker so far. She’s smart and quick-witted. Even if I didn’t want her badly enough to burn the world down to get to her, she’d be a good employee. Better than Tanner, anyway. "Oh, really?"

"Yes. Really."

"So, tell me. Why bring her here in the first place, demanding that I hire her, and then immediately changing your mind when there's turmoil between the two of you? You made the decision to have me hire her, Tanner, and now you have to live with your stupidity. She wants nothing to do with you anymore, and with the way you're acting, I can't say that I blame her. She's a sweet, smart, gorgeous young lady who doesn't deserve your bullshit."

Tanner throws his hands up in the air. "Are you serious, Dad? You're taking her side over your own son's?"

“I guess I am,” I confirm. "She's not your fucking enemy. I am."

"What?" His voice becomes small, maybe even scared. Good.

"You're being an idiot. And until you start acting like a fucking adult, I don’t want to hear another word out of you. And, I'll tell you something else. If you keep acting like a brat, you're not going to have your job, either.”

"You can't do that! You can't run the company forever. I'm your only son."

Leaning forward with my elbows on the table, I grit out, "I made this company and will take it to the grave with me if I have to. I suggest you start treating your father with respect. That goes for Blair too. You don't treat her like she's a toy. In fact, I don't want to see you or hear about you speaking to her again. To you, she's a stranger. Got it?"

His eyes are wide, but he's nodding. "Got it."

"Now get out."

Tanner leaves the room, and I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I've decided Blair, and the time is now.

I'm going to make her mine.

Shutting the office down, I don’t expect to find anyone still working. But of course, with the way the universe has been fucking with me, I see a light still burning in the copy room and the silhouette of someone inside. A curvy, familiar silhouette.

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